3.110 Use of Force Policy Flashcards
What is the overall policy of “3.110 - Use of Force Policy”
“It is the policy of this department that officers hold the highest regard for the dignity and liberty of all persons and place minimal reliance upon the use of force. The department respects the sanctity of every human life and the application of deadly force is a measure to be employed in the most extreme circumstances where lesser means of force have failed or could not be reasonably considered.”
How does the department seek to manage the use of force beyond the Graham v Connor (1989) standard?
By establishing further parameters for the application of force and to officer explicit direction to officers.
When are officers authorized to use force? (5)
- To protect themselves
- To protect others
- To effect a lawful detention
- To effect a lawful arrest
- To conduct a lawful search
When are officers allowed to use deadly force? (The parameters of “deadly force”)
“Officers are legally authorized to use deadly force (1) to effect an arrest when in compliance with the Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS), and (2) the legal standards under Tennessee v Garner (1985) to:
- Protect themselves or others from what is reasonably believed to be an imminent threat of death or substantial bodily injury.
- Prevent the escape of a fleeing felon who the officer has probable cause to believe has committed a violent felony crime and is an imminent threat to human life if escape should occur. (As stated in NRS 171.1455)
What level of force will officers use to bring an incident or person under control and safely accomplish a lawful purpose?
One that is “objectively reasonable”.
“The reasonableness of a particular use of force must be judged from the perspective of a ________________ on the scene rather than with 20/20 vision of hindsight.”
judicious officer
The consideration (for the reasonableness of a particular use of force) must account for the fact that officers are often forced to make split-second judgements in circumstances that are __________, ___________ and _____________.
Tense, Uncertain, Rapidly Evolving
What is the “Graham v Connor” 3-Prong Test and the 5 additional factors?
- The severity of the crime
- Whether the subject poses an immediate threat to the safety of the officers or others
- Whether the subject is actively resisting arrest or attempting to evade arrest by flight
- The influence of drugs/alcohol or the mental capacity of the subject
- The time available to an officer to make a decision
- The availability of officers or resources (including the number of officers present at the time) to de-escalate the situation
- The proximity or access of weapons to the subject
- The environmental factors and/or other exigent circumstances
“In their interaction with a subject, officers _______, when feasible, use advisements, warnings, verbal persuasions and other tactics as alternatives to higher levels of force.”
“Supervisors will acknowledge and respond to incidents in a timely manner when an officer’s use of force is __________”
“In dynamic and highly charged incidents, supervisors will…”
“…provide clear direction and communication to officers regarding their positioning and roles.”
“Any officer present, regardless of rank and observing another officer using force that is clearly beyond what is justified or objectively reasonable under the circumstances will, when in a safe position to do so, intercede to prevent the use of unreasonable force. The officer will promptly report these observations and the efforts made to…”
“…a supervisor.”
“If the supervisor is using unjustified force, the officer will report it to…”
“…the next level of supervision.”
How many days does a member have to report excessive use of force by another member?
10 days
“Whenever an officer applies a use of force option upon a subject that results in either observable signs, complaints of injury or difficulty in breathing, the officer will…”
“…continuously monitor the subject and immediately summon medical attention.”
“When requesting medical attention, the officer will provide the following (3) items of information,
- Nature of the injury
- Subject’s age and gender
- Other circumstances that could be of potential medical risk to the subject (i.e. obesity, suspected drug use, extreme agitation, profuse sweating, labored breathing, etc.)
When handcuffed subjects are seated, they will NOT be forcefully bent forward at the waist and pressure will NOT be applied to these (3) areas?
- Back
- Neck
- Head
Medical attention will be summoned for the following use of force applications, regardless of visible injury or complaint of injury:
- Baton/Impact Weapons - any strikes to the head, neck, chest, spine, kidneys or groin area
- Canine - all bites
- Electronic Control Device (ECD) - probe strikes to the head, neck, chest or groin area
- Oleoresin Capsicum (OC) spray - direct exposure to the face
- Use of Force with a Projective Weapon:
a. Low lethality shotgun - all strikes
b. 40mm specialty impact weapons - all strikes - Handgun/Shotgun/Rifle - all strikes
- Use of Force with a Vehicle:
a. Precision intervention technique (PIT)
b. Ramming - all