300 Flashcards
What are 3 trades & tradesmen are under 255.20?
Construction. Licensed contractor $300k
Electrical. Electrician. $75k
Roads. Contractor $250k
For what must you bid if over $300k*
* Includes labor, equip + materials + overhead @ 20%
Construction under 255.20.
What are the 3 ways a public works may be awarded?
By price, lowest qualified bidder.
By proposal or qualif, per LG ordinance.
Subject to competitive negotiation, per CCNA, i.e. to most qualified firm for pro services @ fair, competitive & reasonable price.
Constr. over $300k* *Includes labor, equip + mats
Roads. over $250k
Elect. over $75k.
Constr. over $325k
Study/Plan over $35k
— so if its $300 but calls for design of construction wd you use CCNA? No way.
How much overhead is included in calculating the threshold for mandatory construction bidding?
$300k incl:
1) Overhead @ 20%
2) Labor
3) Materials.
How is 200 significant in a tort notice of claim?
200 ----------- Must assert wh/ claimant DOES NOT owe & DOES owe State or agency, officer or subdivision and civil, criminal or administrative tribunal $200 or more. ----------- (1) Place of birth. (2) $200 or more - yes or no. (3) If so, state: case style, tribunal, nature & amt of adjudicated penalties, fines, fees, victim restitution fund, (4) SS# or FEIN ----------- ~confirmed 768.28(6)(c)