30. April 23, 2023 Flashcards
tomar a mal
take badly.
debe de
debe de = possibility (more likely probability)
May mom left early. Maybe (debe de) in the emergency room.
debe = obligación
I should go
Velvet and silk are delicate textiles.
terciopelo (tehr-syoh-peh-loh)
El terciopelo y la seda son textiles delicados.
to starve
They abused and deliberately starved their own children.
pasar hambre
privar de comida a
Maltrataron e hicieron pasar hambre deliberadamente a sus propios hijos.
supposed, alleged, assumed, suspected
The accident happened due to a supposed lack of maintenance.
presunto (preh-soon-toh)
El accidente sucedió debido a una presunta falta de mantenimiento.
period of validity
also validity
Your immigration document has a period of validity of two years maximum.
vigencia (bee-hehn-syah)
also: la validez
Tu forma migratoria tiene una vigencia máxima de dos años.
transfer (finance)
You can pay for the reservation by bank transfer or credit card.
transferencia (trahns-feh-rehn-syah)
Puedes pagar la reserva mediante transferencia bancaria o tarjeta de crédito.
mention (act of mentioning)
In the instructions, there’s no mention of the power supply that should be used.
mención (mehn-syohn)
En las instrucciones, no hay mención de la fuente de alimentación que debe utilizarse.
to encourage, inspire, to cheer on (with shouts or cheers)
His good results encouraged him to keep studying.
alentar (ah-lehn-tahr)
animar (more for boosting morale
- Las buenas notas lo alentaron a seguir estudiando.
- Los padres siempre alientan a sus hijos a perseguir sus sueños.
While both verbs convey a similar idea of providing encouragement or support, “animar” tends to focus more on the emotional aspect, while “alentar” has a broader sense of motivating or supporting in different contexts. However, in many cases, these two verbs can be used interchangeably depending on the specific context and personal preference.
to plan
We need to plan the conference events in detail.
planear, planificar
Tenemos que planificar detenidamente las actividades para el congreso.
I suggest you read the documents carefully before signing.
detenidamente (deh-teh-nee-dah-mehn-teh)
also: cuidadosamente, con cuidado
Te recomiendo leer los documentos detenidamente antes de firmar
adjustment/adaptation, also settlement
Her process of adjustment to life in Sweden was fast as she already spoke the language.
ajuste (ah-hoos-teh)
Su proceso de ajuste a la vida en Suecia fue rápido porque ya conocía el idioma.
to lean (to put against)
Adrian laid his head back on the couch, put on his headphones and closed his eyes.
Adrián recostó la cabeza contra el sofá, se puso los auriculares y cerró los ojos.
to collapse (false cognate)
The bridge collapsed while a train was crossing it.
El puente se derrumbó mientras lo cruzaba un tren.
to bring to a standstill, to jam up, to fall dramatically
False Cognate
The demonstration brought the traffic downtown to a standstill.
colapsar (koh-lahp-sahr)
La manifestación colapsó el tráfico en el centro.