16. December 4th, 2022 Flashcards
There are lot of Moroccans in this neighborhood, so the food and culture of the area reflect that.
Hay muchos marroquíes en este barrio y la comida y la cultura lo demuestran.
to take for granted
We must not take anything for granted.
dar por sentado
No tenemos que dar nada por sentado.
Interpreters of Chinese are greatly in demand in the property market.
cotizado (koh-tee-sah-doh)
Los intérpretes de chino están muy cotizados en el mercado inmobiliario.
nail clippers
el cortaúñas
corkscrew (for wine)
I opened the bottle of wine with the corkscrew.
el sacacorchos
Abrí la botella de vino con el sacacorchos.
plumb (fruit)
vs plumb tree
la ciruela (see-rweh-lah) (fruit)
el ciruelo (tree)
flash card
la tarjeta
hairy (adjective)
He has very hairy arms, like he were a wolf.
Tiene los brazos muy peludos como si fuera un lobo.
voracious, insatiable
The voracious monster came down from the mountain and devoured the cattle.
voraz (boh-rahs)
El monstruo voraz bajaba de la montaña y se devoraba el ganado.
The young woman got in the car, took her jacket off her shoulders, and placed it on her lap.
el regazo (rreh-gah-soh)
La joven subió al carro, quitó la chaqueta de los hombros y la colocó sobre el regazo.
to lead to, to prompt to, to induce
1.The witness’s contradictions led the police to suspect him.
- If the baby isn’t born after 40 weeks, we may have to induce labor.
inducir + a
1.Las contradicciones del testigo indujeron a la policía a sospechar de él.
- Si el bebé no nace a las 40 semanas, tal vez tengamos que inducir el parto.
I was dismayed to hear that the law passed.
consternado (kohns-tehr-nah-doh)
Me quedé consternado al oír que la ley fue aprobada.
upright, honest,
also exact, precise
Hernandez is an upright citizen and would never commit a crime.
Hernández es un ciudadano cabal y jamás cometería un delito
snail (animal)
el caracol
ser interesado VS
estar interesado
= selfish/self-interested person
= to be interested
consequence (negative effect)
Thousands of unemployed people is an effect of the financial crisis.
la sequela
la consecuencia
Una secuela de la crisis financiera son miles de personas sin trabajo.
sweet-toothed (adjective)
Guillermina is really sweet-toothed and she loves chocolate.
Guillermina es muy golosa y le encanta el chocolate.
Very intense l \ ‘aroma of hazelnut that engages the senses.
la avellana (ah-beh-yah-nah)
Muy intensa l \ ‘aroma de avellana que involucra los sentidos.
(valued objects and qualities such as cultural traditions, unspoiled countryside, and historic buildings that have been passed down from previous generations.)
el patrimonio (pah-tree-moh-nyoh)
to lead, to administer, to regulate, to take effect
We hope our new president will govern the country with honesty and a firm hand.
(stem change g->j)
Esperamos que el nuevo presidente rija el país con honestidad y mano firme.
If you want the soup to be thick, add a little flour.
Si quieres que la sopa sea espesa, añade un poco de harina.
loan (money that is borrowed)
It will take me years to repay the loan I got to buy a new car.
Tardaré años en devolver el préstamo que pedí para comprar el coche nuevo.
A statue of the god Apollo guards the entrance to the temple.
la estatua (ehs-tah-twah)
Una estatua del dios Apolo guarda la entrada al templo.
voting, the act of voting
In order to participate in the vote, you must be of legal age.
Para participar en la votación, tienes que ser mayor de edad.
engineering (noun)
ingeniería (ehn-jih-nihr-ihng)
city council
The town council is moving to a new building.
ayuntamiento (ah-yoon-tah-myehn-toh)
El ayuntamiento se traslada a otro edificio.
master (animal) /employer/owner
Jimmy is Fluffy’s master.
el amo
Jimmy es el amo de Fluffy.
agreement (x3)
According to their agreement, the company has to write him a good recommendation if they fire him.
el convenio * (kohn-beh-nyoh)
el acuerdo
el contrato
Según su convenio, la empresa tiene que escribirle una buena recomendación si lo despiden.
to use for the first time (device or accessories)
You need to wash the flask before using it for the first time.
Hay que lavar el termo antes de estrenarlo
barrier (figurative or literal)
She did not allow her disability to be a barrier to success.
la barrera (bah-rreh-rah)
Ella no permitió que su discapacidad fuera una barrera para el éxito.
I ordered some name badges for the delegates.
la placa
Pedí unas placas identificativas para los congresistas.
endless (adjective)
This heat wave seems endless.
La onda de calor parece interminable.
timid, spiritless
Alfredo was timid and never dared to go out of his comfort zone.
Alfredo era apocado y no se animaba a salir de su zona de confort.
integrity, honesty
The official has acted with integrity at all times.
la probidad
El funcionario ha actuado con probidad en todo momento.