17. December 12th, 2022 Flashcards
Conocer- imperfect vs preterite
conocí= to meet (for first time)
conocía= to know (i.e. person, place)
Querer- imperfect vs preterite
quise= i tried
quería= wanted to
NO Querer- imperfect vs preterite
no quise
no quería
no quise= refused
no quería= did not want.
Saber- imperfect vs preterite
supe= found out
sabía= to know something
poder- imperfect vs preterite
pude= to succeed in doing something
podía= was able to do something
tener= imperfect vs preterite
tuve= received
tenía= used to have something
shop window
el escaparate (ehs-kah-pah-rah-teh)
as soon as (x4)
tan pronto como
en cuanto
luego que
nada más + infinitive
to frighten off’
The dogs frightened off the coyotes that had approached the farm.
ahuyentar (ow-yehn-tahr)
Los perros ahuyentaron a los coyotes que se habían acercado a la granja.
to pour (x2)
Pour the coffee carefully.
verter (e–>ie)
Vierte el café con cuidado.
to bend down (x2)
I bent down to tie my shoelaces.
agacharse (ah-gah-chahrr-seh)
Me agaché para atarme los cordones del zapato.
It’s very misty and humid at the top of the mountain.
neblinoso (neh-blee-noh-soh)
Es muy neblinoso y húmedo en la cima de la montaña.
poodle (dog)
el caniche (kah-nee-cheh)
to enable, to allow
This qualification allows you to work in your country, but not abroad.
habilitar (ah-bee-lee-tahr)
Este título te habilita para trabajar en el país, pero no en el extranjero.
la lujuria
piece of cake
Learning to drive was difficult for me, but for Charlie, it was a piece of cake.
pan comido
Para mí fue difícil aprender a conducir, pero para Charlie fue pan comido.
long walk
We went on a long walk from my house to the beach.
la caminata
Hicimos una caminata de mi casa hasta la playa.
to have the decency, to deign; to do something unwillingly and in a way that shows that you think you are too important to do it.
My father and his brother had such a bad relationship that he did not even deign to visit him at the hospital.
dignarse + a (deeg-nahr-seh)
Mi padre y su hermano se llevaban tan mal que ni siquiera se dignó a visitarle en el hospital.
single shelf, ledge, mantel (on top of a fireplace)
Theres’s a bottle full of flowers on the ledg
la repisa
Hay una botella llena de flores en la repisa.
The country faces the dilemma of whether to leave the European Union.
la disyuntiva
EL dilema
El país se enfrenta a la disyuntiva de si romper con la Unión Europea.
Bully (school)
You don’t have to be a bully to get what you want.
el bravucón
No tienes que ser un bravucón para conseguir lo que quieres.
El costo de los frijoles subió este otoño.
el costo
el precio
The cost of beans went up this fall.
- race, career
- highway
- purse
carrera (x2)= race, career
carretera= highway
cartera= purse
The army’s high command makes both tactical and strategic decisions.
estratégico (ehs-trah-teh-hee-koh)
El alto mando militar toma decisiones tanto tácticas como estratégicas.
to burst (to break with pressure)
If you put too much air in the tire, it can burst.
reventar (rreh-behn-tahr)
Si pones demasiado aire en el neumático, lo puedes reventar.
to sigh
She gave a huge sigh of relief when she heard that he was okay.
Dio un enorme suspiro de alivio cuando se enteró de que estaba bien.
The police are investigating the disappearance of two students.
la desaparición (dehs-ah-pah-ree-syohn)
La policía está investigando la desaparición de dos estudiantes.
She has overcome many obstacles in her eagerness to fight inequality.
el afán (ah-fahn)
Ha superado mucho obstáculos en su afán de combatir la desigualdad.
ton (unit of measurement)
The incoming shipment included over 15 tons of cargo.
tonelada (toh-neh-lah-dah)
El envío entrante incluyó más de 15 toneladas de carga.
rules, regulations
In order to maintain a pleasant work environment, every employee should stick to the rules.
reglamento (rreh-glah-mehn-toh)
Para mantener un ambiente de trabajo agradable, cada empleado debe adherirse al reglamento.
la renta
A Roberto le está yendo muy bien; su renta anual es de más de $200,000 dólares.
1. income (false cognate)
2. interest
3. rent (rental payment)
4. National debt
Roberto is doing very well; his annual income is over $200,000 dollars.
to play along , go with the flow
Julio really thinks his plan is going to work? - It looks like it. Just play along.
seguir la corriente
¿Julio realmente piensa que su plan va a funcionar? - Parece que sí. Solo síguele la corriente.
to usually do something
Why do I keep fighting with directors?
pasársela + gerund
¿Por qué me la paso peleando con directores?