3 - Managing Projects Flashcards
What is contained within the Lessons Learned Guidance Note?
- Discussion around project ‘Failure’
- List of reasons why projects fail
- Discussion around why lessons aren’t learned
How do you assess team performance?
- KPIs
- 360 Feedback
- Client Feedback
- How much involvement you need to have, i.e. hand holding
Can you explain a time where you designed a management tool to manage the project?
- Internal action tracker to understand what and when tasks needed to be complete
What is an SSSI?
Sites of Specific Scientific Interest
Can you explain what a soft landing is?
A collection of processes to ease the transition between Project and Operations in order to drive maximum benefit.
What is the difference between a Wayleave and Easement?
Wayleave - Allowing a party access to maintain something, such as a utility.
Easement - A permanent access right given to a party in perpetuity. I.e., a PROW.
What are Statutory Consents?
Consents you must obtain by law. I.e., Planning and Building Regulations
What is a S106 Agreement?
The legal agreement between an application and authority to implement a mitigation of the development. I.e., a bus stop, junction or provide money.
What is a Section 278 Agreement?
An agreement with the Highways Authority that agrees a permanent or temporary change in the road infrastrure
What is a Section 38 Agreement?
Highways Adoption Agreement - Highways will adopt the highway as long as it’s constructed in line with the agreement.
Which legislation governs Planning?
Town and Country Planning Act 1990
Can you explain what an EIA is?
Environmental Impact Assessment - an assessment undertaken by applicant that looks at all facets of the development impact on the environment.
What legislation governs an EIA? What are the steps?
Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations 2011
- Screening
- Scoping
- Prepare Assessment
- Submission
- Decision
What are Reserved Matters?
The remaining ‘TBC’ parts of an outline application
What is contained in the proposed Planning Bill?
New proposed bill to reform the Planning Process. Key themes:
- Replace S106 with national levy
- Street votes for local people to influence development
- Penalties for ‘slow development’
What is the difference between Value Management and Value Engineering
- VM is an overarching approach e.g. ‘How can we maximise value in this project?’
- VE is an element of VM that specifically looks at engineering e.g. ‘How can we do this specific element in a different way to save money or drive additional value?’
Can you explain a time when you have conducted V.E?
- Stapleford, SIPS panels to load bearing masonry walls and there was no ESG requirements
What are the stages of Value Management?
VM1 - Concept Stage - Objectives set out in a value tree and scored to provide an assessment criteria.
VM2 - Feasibility Stage - Options are then scored against the value tree to provide analysis of decision.
What is the difference between life cycle cost analysis and whole life cost analysis?
- Lifecycle is about the construction, maintenance and demolition of the asset over time
- Whole life cost includes absolutely everything about the asset, such as what income it can generate, and other external factors (wayleave payments etc.)
What guidance is there related to WLC?
RICS Black Book - Lifecycle Costing
What is a Section 80 notice?
Approval required by the LPA before demolishing a building. 6 week process. If you hear nothing, you can proceed.
What is your role as a project manager?
To manage the project team and drive the successful completion of the project and its objectives
What is a PEP?
Defines how a project will be executed, monitored and controlled.
What is included within the PEP?
Project Definition
Roles and Responsbilites
Stakeholder Management Strategy
Communication Protocol
What is the purpose of change control?
A methodology used to manage change requests that impact the project.
What is a risk?
An uncertain event or circumstance that will affect the a programme or project.
How can a risk be apportioned?
Risk Avoidance
Risk Reduction
Transfer Risk to the Contractor
Risk sharing by Contractor and Client
Risk Retention by the Client
What is an example of you identifying and mitigating a risk?
CEMP sign off
Went straight to highways for review
Short form S278
What are some examples of lessons learnt?
- CPO timeline
- Budgets and contingency
- Benefit of in person meetings for design
- Programme timelines
How do you transfer risk?
Procurement route
Contract selection
Contract terms
How do you analyse risk?
Follow RICS Guidance on Risk Management
- Identify what type of risk
- Can it be mitigates
- Can it be transferred
- How can I manage it