3 - integumentary basics Flashcards
What is the primary organ of the integumentary system?
skin (integument)
four functions of skin
temperature regulation
What are the two layers of the skin?
epidermis + dermis
What are the 5 layers of the epidermis? (deep to superficial)
germinativum < stratum spinosum < stratum granulosum < stratum lucidum < stratum corneum
What is the protein that makes up the majority of hair and nails?
what colors the skin
accessory structures of the skin
nails, hair, sebaceous glands, sweat glands
Langerhans cells
cells of the immune system found in the stratum spinosum that function to protect the body from invading microorganisms
what is the dermis composed of
connective tissue
flat, discolored spot on the skin
ex: mole
localized, temporary elevation of the skin that is itchy
ex: urticaria or hives
solid, confined and elevated area on the skin
ex: pimple
small, fluid-filled sac
ex: blister
small, elevated confined lesion that is filled with pus
ex: pimple or chicken pox
erosion or eating away of healthy tissue
ex: canker sore
crack-lick slit in skin that extends through the epidermis to the dermis
ex: cracks on scaly heels
hair structures
root (in hair follicle) + shaft (visible portion)
arrector pili (muscle)
small muscle attached to follicle that contracts and causes hair to straighten - either in response to body cooling or emotional response
nail function
to protect tips of fingers and toes
nail sections
nail root, nail bed, nail body, lunula, free edge, cuticle/eponychium
sebaceous glands
oil secreting glands (open into hair follicle)
lubricate nails and hair
sweat glands
water + salt + chemical secreting glands (open onto surface of skin)
cools body and removes waste
apocrine sweat glands
triggered by puberty; found in axillae, nipples, groin
merocrine sweat glands
from birth; located throughout body, but especially palms and soles