2nd Lec. - pg. 1-2 Flashcards
- Unexpected releases of ______, reactive , or flammable liquids and gases in processes involving highly hazardous chemicals have been reported ________.
- Opportunity for accident and disaster.
- releases of toxic; many years
Major disaster in chemical industry
1984 Bhopal India
1989 Phillips Petroleum
1990 BASF
1991 IMC Sterlington
Minimum elements required from employers in relation to PSM:
1. Develop and maintain ________ identifying workplace chemical and process hazards, equipment used in the processes, and technology used in the processes;
written safety information
- Perform a workplace hazard
assessment, including, as appropriate, identification of potential sources of _________, identification of any previous release within the facility that had a potential for catastrophic consequences in the workplace, estimation of workplace effects of a range of releases, and estimation of the health and safety effects of such a range on____ ,
- accidental releases ; employees
- Consult with employees and their representatives on the development and conduct of ________ and the development of _____ prevention plans and provide access to these and other records required under the standard;
- hazard assessments;
chemical accident
- Establish a system to respond to the workplace hazard assessment findings, which shall address _____, ______, and ______;
- Review periodically the workplace _____ assessment and _______ system;
- prevention, mitigation, emergency responses
- hazard assessment, response system
- Develop and implement written
operating procedures for the ____, including procedures for each operating phase, operating limitations, safety and health considerations
- chemical processes
- Provide _______ and _______ for employees and employee training in operating procedures, by emphasizing hazards and safe practices that must be developed and made available.
- written safety, operating information
- Ensure _____ and _____ are provided with appropriate information and training;
- Train and educate employees and contractors in emergency response procedures in a manner as comprehensive and effective as that required by the regulation promulgated pursuant to _______.
- contractors, contract employees
- section 126(d) of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act;
- Establish a quality assurance program to ensure that initial process-related equipment, ______, and spare parts are _______ and installed consistent with design specifications;
- maintenance materials,
- fabricated
- Establish ________ for critical process-related equipment, including written procedures, employee training, appropriate inspections, equipment to ensure ongoing mechanical integrity; and testing of such equipment to ensure ongoing mechanical integrity
- maintenance systems
- Conduct pre-startup ________ of all newly installed or modified equipment;
- Establish and implement ______ managing change to process chemicals, technology, equipment and facilities; and
- safety reviews
- written procedures
- Investigate every incident that results in or could have resulted in a major accident in the workplace, with findings to be reviewed by ________ and modifications made, if appropriate.
operating personnel
take note
PSM mainly applies to __________-particularly, those pertaining to chemicals, transportation equipment, and fabricated metal
manufacturing industries
PSM applies to those companies that deal with (______) specific toxic and reactive chemicals in listed quantities
any of more than 130
Take note
Information on the hazards of the
highly hazardous chemicals in the
process shall consist of at least the
- Permissible exposure limits,
- Physical data,
- Reactivity data,
- Corrosivity data, and
- Thermal and chemical stability data
- hazardous effects of Inadvertent mixing of different materials.
A careful review of what could go wrong and what safeguards must be implemented to prevent releases of hazardous chemicals.
PHA - Process Hazard Analysis
Information on the technology of the process must include at least the following:
- A ___ diagram or simplified
process flow diagram, - Process chemistry,
- Maximum intended ______,
- Safe _______ and ______ for such items as temperatures, pressures, flows or compositions, and
- An evaluation of the consequences of _______, including those affecting the safety and health of employees.
block flow
upper and lower limits
Information on the equipment in the process must include the following:
- Piping and instrument diagrams
(P&IDs), - Electrical classification,
- Relief system design and design basis,
- Ventilation system design,
Design codes and standards
employed, -
Material and energy balances for
processes built after May 26,1992,
and - Safety systems (e.g., interlocks, detection, or suppression systems).
basahin mo na lang
The employer must perform an initial _____ (hazard evaluation) on all processes covered by PSM.
process hazard analysis