1st Lec. p. 5-7 Flashcards
A SO4 or safety officer 4 must train for about _ of OSH related training or experience.
an additional training may be converted into years where _____ hours of training may equal to _____ year of experience and vise versa
320 hours
80 hours
1 year
A SO4 must have an actual experience as SO3 for at least ___ years.
4 years
Section 14: Safety Officer
The number and qualification of safety officers shall be proportionate to the total number of ______ and ______, ______ of work area, _______ of the workplace and such other criteria as required by the OSH standards
workers and equipment
Section 14: Safety Officer
Safety Officers engaged in ____ and ______ establishments, low to medium risk, shall be engaged in ________ including other tasks designated by his/her employer.
micro and small
safety programs
Section 14: Safety Officer
In the case of a contractor or subcontractor, at least ______safety officer must be deployed at each specific area of operations to oversee the management of the OSH program of its own workforce
1 safety officer
Section 14: Safety Officer
The engagement of the services of a certified OSH Consultant (____) shall be allowed for a period no longer than _____ year for establishments whose safety officer is in the process of ______ the required training courses and relevant experience
SO4 (safety officer 4)
1 year
Every employer covered by this Rule (OH Personnel ad Facilities) shall provide his/her workers ____ services and facilities and shall not be excuse from maintaining in his/her workplace a _____ treatment room or clinic for workers.
first aid
note: the ranges for this slide refers to the number of workers in a facility
a.Low Risk
* 1 - 99:____ room
* 100 - 2000: Add 1 for every ____ worker
b. Medium to High Risk
* 1 - 50:____ room
* 51 - 99:_____ room
* 100 - 2000: Add 1 for every ____ worker
1 room
100 workers
50 workers
note: the ranges refers to the number of workers in a facility
a. *Low Risk *
* 1 - 50: 0
* 51 - 199: 1
* 200 - 500: 2
* 501 - 2000: Add 1 for every _____ worker
b. Medium to High Risk
* 1 - 50: 0
* 51 - 99: 1
* 100 - 500: 2
* 501 - 2000: Add 1 for every _____ worker
- 200
- 100
note: the ranges for this slide refers to the number of workers of a facility
a. Low RIsk
* 1 - 1000: 0
* 1001 - 2000: ____
b. Medium to High Risk
* 1 - 1000: 0
* 1001 - 2000: ____
1 (same answer)
take note
an employer NOT obligated to establish a hospital or dental clinic within the workplace if:
- There is an existing hospital or dental clinic: Located within a _____ away from the workplace.
- The hospital or clinic can be reached within _____ minutes of travel time.
- The employer provides readily available ____ for workers to reach the hospital or clinic in case of emergencies.
For this purpose, the employer shall enter into a _____ with the hospital for the use of such hospital for the treatment of workers in cases of emergency
- 5 kilometers away
- 25 minutes
- transportation
- written contract
take note
mandatory orientation or training for safety officers on OSH as prescribed by DOLE
a. SO1
1. Mandatory ______ OSH Orientation Course applicable to the industry
2. _____ hours Trainer’s Training
b. SO2
1. Mandatory ____ OSH Training Course applicable to the industry (BOSH, COSH, MOSH etc. )
c. SO3
1. Mandatory _____ OSH Training Course
2. Additional _____ of advanced/specialized training
3. Other requirement as my be prescribed by DOLE
Two (2) hours
48 hour
take note
mandatory orientation or training for safety officers on OSH as prescribed by DOLE
d. SO4
1. Mandatory 40-hour OSH Training Course
2. Additional _____ of advanced/specialized training
3. An aggregate of _____ of OSH related training or experience
4. Other requirement as my be prescribed by DOLE
e. First-Aider
Standard ___ training
f. OH Nurse
At least 40 hour Basic OSH Training Course for OH Nurses.
g. OH Dentist
At least 40 hour Basic OSH Training Course
h. OH Physician
At least ____ Basic Training Course for OH Physician
80 hours
320 hours
first aid
These individuals must undergo mandatory orientation or training on OSH as prescribed by DOLE
all safety and health personnel
these individual must undergo the mandatory workers’ OSH seminar as prescribed by DOLE
all workers
Standardized training _____ for safety and health personnel shall be implemented and updated regularly as necessary.
The mandatory workers’ OSH seminar may be conducted by the _____ of the establishment or any certified ______ or consultants
safety officer
OSH practitioner
The workers’ OSH seminar and other training/orientations as required by the _____ and by any law shall be at _____ on the worker and considered as _____ working time.
no cost
Sec 16: Safety and Health Training
All _____ engaged in the operation, erection and dismantling of equipment and scaffolds structural erections, excavation, blasting operations, demolitions, confined spaces, hazardous chemicals, welding, and flame cutting shall undergo _____ instruction and training on said activities.
PPE requirements for high-risk activities including the use, application and handling are provided by
DOLE-Accredited Training
Organizations or the PPE manufacturers.
these individuals shall submit to DOLE
all safety and health reports, and notifications
All employers, contractors or subcontractors
Employers, contractors, and subcontractors must submit the following reports to the DOLE? (4)
- Annual Medical Report (AMR)
- OSH Committee Report
- Employer’s Work Incident/Injury Report (WAIR)
- Annual Work Accident/Injury Exposure Data Report (AEDR)
- W - Work Accident and Illness Report (20th day of the ff month)
- A - Annual Work Accident/Injury Exposure Data Report (Jan 30)
- R - Report of Safety Organization (annually)
- M - Minutes of OSH Committee Meeting (quarterly)
- A - Annual Medical Report (March 30)
Section 19: Worker’s Welfare Facilities
All establishments, projects, sites and all other places where work is being undertaken shall have the following _____ in order to ensure humane working conditions:
free welfare facilities
the following free welfare facilities in order to ensure humane working conditions:
a) Adequate supply of safe _____ water
b) Adequate _____ and washing facilities
c) Suitable _____ accommodation for workers, as may be applicable such as in construction, shipping, fishing and night workers
d) ____ sanitary, washing and sleeping facilities for all gender, as may be applicable
e) ____ station except those establishment as provided for under DOLE Department Order No. 142-15
f) Ramps, railings and the like and
g) Other workers’ welfare facilities as may be prescribed by the OSH standards and other issuances.
Section 20: All Other OSH Standards
All employers’ contractors or subcontractors, if any, shall comply with other occupational safety and health standards as provided for in the __
1978 DOLE OSHS (occupational safety and health Standards)
OSH Standard Rule 1070
Occupational Health and Environmental Control
Rule 1070 – Occupational Health and Environmental Control pt. 1
- The employer shall exert efforts to maintain and control the working environment in _____ and _____ conditions for the purpose of promoting and maintaining the health of his workers
- The employer shall carry out _____ where hazardous work is performed and shall keep a record of such measurement which shall be made available to the enforcing authority.
- comfortable and healthy conditions
- Work Environment Measurement (WEM)
take note: WEM
Rule 1070 – Occupational Health and Environmental Control pt. 2
- _____ shall include temperature, humidity, pressure, illuminations, ventilation, concentration of substances & noise.
- The WEM shall be performed ____ as may be necessary but no longer than annually.
WEM (Work Environment Measurement)
OSH Standard Rule 1967
Physical Examination
Rule 1967 Physical Examination
(1) All workers, irrespective of age and sex, shall undergo physical examination
(a) Before entering employment for the ____ time
(b) ____ or at such intervals as may be necessary on account of the conditions or risks involved in the work.
(c) When _____ or separated from employment and
(d) When _____ or ill
Rule 1967 Physical Examination
(2) All examinations shall
(a) Be ____ and through
(b) Be rendered _____ to the workers and
(c) Include x-ray or ____ laboratory examinations when necessary due to peculiar nature of the employment
free of charge
Section 23: Visitorial Powers of the Secretary of Labor and Employment
a safety officer and representative of the management and workers of the establishment must attend this event.
conduct of annual spot audit
Section 23: Visitorial Powers of the Secretary of Labor and Employment
In the absence of the safety officer, his duly authorized _____ may attend in his stead.
Take note modified T or F
take note
The _____ of Labor and Employment or his/her duly authorized representatives can enter workplaces at anytime of the day or night where work is being performed,
They do this to examine records and investigates facts, conditions or matters necessary to determine ____ of establishments with the provisions of the Rules and applicable laws
- Secretary of Labor and Employment
- compliance
The Secretary of Labor and Employment of his/her duly authorized representatives may order _____ of work or suspension of operations of any unit or department of an establishment when _____ to this Rules, OSH Standards and other applicable laws poses grave and imminent danger of the safety and health of workers in the workplace.
_____ and the manual on execution of
judgements shall govern the procedures in the conduct of inspection, mandatory conference, issuance of order and execution thereof.
Department Order No.183, Series of 2017
No _____ or entity shall obstruct, impede, delay or otherwise render ineffective the orders of the Secretary of Labor and Employment or the Secretary’s duly authorized representatives issued pursuant to the authority granted under Article _____ of the Labor Code of the Philippines,
and no _____ or entity shall issue temporary or permanent injunction or restraining order or otherwise assume jurisdiction over any case involving the enforcement orders.
No person
Article 128
No lower court
A worker may file claims for compensation benefit arising out of ______ disability or death.
Such claims shall be processed ______ of the finding of fault, gross negligence or bad faith of the employer in a proceeding instituted for the purpose.
The employer shall provide the necessary ______ to employees applying for claims.
work related