1st Lec.- PG 11-13 Flashcards
Types of _______
- Fixed enclosing guards
- Movable Guards with interlocking switches
Adjustable Guards
➢ Manually adjustable
➢ Self-adjusting - Photoelectric light curtains/ Presence sensing device
- Two hand controls
- Pullback devices
- Restraints device
Machine Guards
take note
- A technique which includes the area of lifting, placing, storing or moving of materials through the use of appropriate handling equipment and men.
- Is the of lifting, transporting and packaging of products using own physical strength.
- Hand operated handling, transporting and packaging of products.
- Pertains to more rigid, powered and non-powered mechanics mainly for handling bulky and heavy items.
Materials Handling
Proper Procedure of Manual Lifting (Reminders)
- Inspect materials for ____ edges, burrs, rough or ____ surfaces
- Get a firm grip on the object
- Keep fingers away from ____, especially when setting down materials.
- Wipe off greasy, wet, slippery, or dirty objects ____ trying to handle them
- Never attempt to lift that are either too ____ or ___ to handle safety
- sharp, slippery
- pinch points
- before
- too heavy or bulky
Proper Procedure of Manual Lifting (Actions)
- Stand close to the load and face the way you ____ to move
- Keep feet apart
- Be sure you have a good grip on the load
- Look forward to keep back ____
- Keep arms ____
- Tighten abdominal muscles
- ____ chin into chest
- intend
- straight
- straight
- tuck
Proper Procedure of Manual Lifting (Do Wear..)
- lightweight, flexible, tear and ____ clothing
- ____ with toe caps and slip-resistant soles, and
- protective gloves, appropriate for the ____ being handled
- puncture-resistant
- safety boots
- materials
Mechanical Handling General Requirements
- ______ must be under skills training and must be authorized.
- _____ must be regularly inspected and maintained.
- Operators
- Equipment
Principles of Material Storage
- Safety
- Accessibility
- Orderliness
Material Storage Room General Requirements
- Stored materials must not create a _______
- Should be properly illuminated and _______
- Materials are properly identified and _____ (including hazard labels).
- Should have proper danger or _______
- Must have a _______ of materials, materials handling equipment and people.
- Storage areas must be kept _______ from accumulated materials that may cause tripping, fires, or explosions, or that may contribute to the harboring or rates and other pests.
- When stacking and piling materials, it is important to be aware of such factors as the materials height and weight, how _______ the stored materials are to the user, and the condition of the _______ where the materials are being stored.
- Materials & materials handling equipment should not _______ emergency equipment such fire alarm buttons, evacuation map, first aid kits, fire extinguishers (portable or fixed) etc.
- hazard
- ventilated
- labeled
- warning signs
- smooth flow
- free
- accessible, containers
- obstruct
Protection Against Hazards of Electricity
- Maintain adequate grounding of circuit and equipment.
‣ intentionally creating a _____ path that connects to the earth -
Properly installing guarding
‣ _____ electric equipment to make sure people don’t accidentally come into contact with its live parts - Use of adequate and _____ type of PPE (personal protective equipment)
‣ proper foot protection (not tennis shoes
‣ rubber insulating gloves, hoods, sleeves, matting, and blankets
‣ hard hat ( insulated - nonconductive )
- low resistance path
- enclosing
- approved type
take note
Is both a science and an art devoted to ANTICIPATION, RECOGNITION, EVALUATION, and CONTROL of those ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS or stresses arising in or from the workplace that may cause sickness, impaired health and well-being, or significant discomfort among workers or among citizens of the community.
Industrial Hygiene
Any conditions in the workplace that may cause significant discomfort and impair the health of employees and workers
health hazards
Health Hazards Classification
- Chemical
- Physical
- Biological
- Ergonomic Hazard
Chemical Hazards
Chemical Hazards: (Nature/Form)
- Organic Solvents: ____
- Acids / Bases: ____
- Dust / Particulates: ______
- Heavy Metal: ____
- Gases: ____
- Vapor
- Mists
- Powder / Fiber
- Fumes
- Gas
Physical Hazards
- Noise
- Vibration
- Illumination
- Temperature
- Pressure
- Radiation
take note
- Form of vibration conducted through solids, liquids, or gases.
Physical Hazard: (Noise)
take note
“ If two people with no hearing impairment have to raise their voices or shout to be heard in a distance of less than arms’ length from each other the sound level is potentially hazardous”
Arm’s Length Rule
take note
- Transmission of mechanical energy from sources of oscillation
- Low frequency or whole body
➢ Forklifts, vehicles, vibrating platforms, etc. -
High frequency or segmental
➢ Hand driven power tools such as chain saw, portable grinder and polishers
Physical Hazard: (Vibration)
take note
- Is the measure of stream of lighting falling on the surface
- Sources of Light
a. Natural
b. Artificial - Type of Workplace Lighting
a. General lighting
b. Local lighting
Physical Hazard: (Illumination)
Physical Hazard: (Extreme Temperature)
Factors affecting heat exposure:
* _____ Factors
➢ Temperature & humidity
* ____ Workload
➢ Light, moderate, heavy & very heavy
* Work-Rest Regimen
- thermal factors
- physical workload
Physical Hazard: (Biological)
1. _____
➢ Bacteria, viruses, molds, fungi and protozoa
2. _______
➢ Insects, parasites, plants and animals
- Microbiological
- macrobiological
Routes of Exposure
Both Chemical and Biological hazards can enter a person’s body through: (3)
- Ingestion
- Inhalation
- Skin contact
- Improperly designed tools or work areas
- Repetitive and awkward movements
- Poor posture
- Frequent and improper lifting or reaching
- Forceful motion
- Poor visual conditions
Physical Hazard: (Ergonomic)
take note
Process of designing or arranging workplaces, products and systems so that they fit the people who use them.
“FIT the TASK to the PERSON”
- noise, vibration, radiation, inadequate illumination, temperature extremes
Summary Health Hazards: (Physical)
- dusts, gases, vapors, fumes, mist
Summary Health Hazards: (Chemical)
- viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites, insects, etc.
Summary Health Hazards: (Biological)
take note
- exhaustive physical exertions, excessive standing, improper motions, lifting heavy load, job monotony, workplace stress, etc.
Summary Health Hazards: (Ergonomic)
- Walk through _____ inspection
- _____ of processes involves
- _____ workers’ complaints
- Knowing the raw materials used, products and by-products
- GHS Labels, Pictograms and Safety Data Sheet
- survey/ocular
- Review
- Gathering
take note
An appropriate group of written, printed or graphic information elements concerning a hazardous product, that are affixed to, printed on, or attached to the immediate container of a hazardous product, or the outside packaging of a hazardous product