298 Crusades Lecture 6 Feb 12 Flashcards
- When Gregory VII had been preparing his war, he had made reference to the Holy Sepulchre, combining the ideas of confession and penance with war for the Holy Land (we’ll see this more on Thursday)
- Urban II would use Jerusalem as part of his campaign for Crusade, speaking of the Muslim conquest and ravages to the eastern church.
“Worse still, they have seized the Holy City of Christ, embellished by his passion and resurrection, and…have sold her and her churches into abominable slavery…we visited Gaul and urged most fervently the lords and subjects of that land to liberate the eastern churches…and imposed on them the obligation to undertake such a military enterprise for the remission of all their sins.”
- Urban would encourage people “to go to Jerusalem to drive out the heathen”
Recruits “are heading for Jerusalem with the good intent of liberating Christianity.”
So why were people amenable to this message?
- In the 11th c., Jerusalem defined an ideal as much as a real city.
Spiritual condition and aspiration.
Its attributes could be geographically transposed to create a virtual reality in relics and shrines.
- Liturgy created scenes from Jerusalem in the mass or enacted whole episodes, as in the popular Easter plays.
These offered a glimpse of the Holy City.
- Jerusalem played a prominent part in eschatological literature popular in western moasteries, cathedrals, and courts from at least the 10th c.
Final scenes of Judgement at the end of the world.
- Church reform movement was pursued by evangelists living and preaching a return to the Apostolic life. Jerusalem was part of this.
- In the 10th and 11th c. Jerusalem became the most meritorious goal of pilgrimage.
Associated with Christ’s life, Passion, and Resurrection.
- Increase in pilgrimage to Jerusalem in the 11th c. Result of Byzantine power in the Balkans and eastern Mediterranean under Basil the Bulgar Slayer (d. 1025).
- Pilgrimage becoming so common and popular that one mid-11th c. chronicler noted that a trip to Jerusalem was in danger of becoming a fashionable social accessory rather than an act of piety.
- 1009, Fatimid caliph of Egypt, al-Hakim, had destroyed the church of the Holy Sepulchre, causing outrage in the Christian community.
- News of the destruction of the church of the Holy Sepulchre spread in the West. Possible that Pope Sergius IV (1009-1012) encouraged the creation of a Christian relief fleet.
- Christian chroniclers recorded how Jewish communities in France were blamed for inciting al-Hakim and were violently persecuted in consequence.
- Esp in 1030s and 1060s huge bands of pilgrims went east.
Nature of pilgrimage changing.
Pro-active, not just reactive