2.6- The Destruction Of The Girondins Flashcards
How many jacobin or montagnard deputies were there within the convention?
How many girondin members within the convention were there?
How many members of the plain were there within the convention?
Who were the leaders of the girondins?
Brissot and Roland
Who were the leaders of the Jacobins?
Robespierre, Danton, and Saint-Just
What were the similarities between the Girondins and Jacobins?
-believe in the revolution
-republican (wanted to abolish the monarchy)
-wanted a more enlightened and humane France
What did the Girondins believe?
-didn’t think the king should be executed
-committed to fighting the war to spread revolutionary values across Europe
-believed in free market economics
-believed in federalism
What is federalism?
More power should be given to the provinces
What did the Jacobins believe?
-wanted to execute the king
-committed to fighting the war to defend the revolution in France
-believe the government should exercise tight controls over prices and wages
-believed in strong central government control
Where were the Girondins supported?
Most of the Paris press, the bourgeoisie, the cities outside Paris
Where were the Jacobins supported?
The urban poor, the sans culottes and the fédérés
What fears did the girondins have?
Thought Robespierre was trying to make himself dictator
What fears did the Jacobins have?
Thought the girondins were trying to join forces with royalists and betray the revolution
When did the girondin government turn things around in the war?
In the winter of 1792
What did the girondin government do to turn things around?
Drove the prussians out of French soil and conquered the Austrian Netherlands
What did the girondins do when they became confident?
Persuaded the convention to declare war against Britain, the Netherlands and Spain as well
When did the girondins persuade the convention to declare war on other countries?
February 1793
What countries declared war on France shortly after the girondins declared war on more countries?
Portugal and Naples
Why did Portugal and Naples declare war on France?
They were worried by the threat the French Revolution seemed to pose to European peace
How was the war going for France by March 1793?
What happened in March 1793?
Austrians reconquered the Austrian Netherlands
Who was the general in charge of French forces in the Austrian Netherlands?
What did Dumouriez do?
He defected to the Austrians
Who was arrested in March 1793 by the Girondins?
Marat and Hebert, two leading jacobin supporters
What were Marat and Hebert put on trial for?
For their anti girondin journalism, arguing that it was incitement to murder
What happened to Marat and Hebert?
They were acquitted
What caused renowned discontent amongst the urban poor in Paris?
High bread prices and the fall in the value of the assignant by 50%
What did the convention impose to help the discontent among the urban poor?
Maximum grain prices in May 1793
What did the maximum grain prices lead to in the short term?
Growth in the black market for bread, which caused prices to rise
When did a peasant rebellion break out in the Vendée?
March 1793
Did the girondin government crush the peasant rebellion in the Vendée?
Who rebelled against the convention at the end of May 1793?
Moderates in the city of Lyon
What did the Jacobins claim about the moderates who were rebelling against the convention in Lyon?
They were associated with the girondins
When did Robespierre give a speech?
26th May 1793
What did Robespierre’s speech say?
He invited ‘the people to place themselves in insurrection against the corrupt deputies’, meaning the girondins
When was there a huge demonstration of sans culottes against the girondins?
31st May 1793
What happened on the 2nd June 1793?
80,000 national guardsmen (mostly sans culottes) surrounded the convention and trained their cannon at it
What demands did the 80,000 National guardsmen want?
The convention to give up the leading girondins and impose a maximum price on all essential goods
How many girondin deputies and ministers were arrested?
29 deputies and 2 ministers
What happened to the remaining girondins after the national guards threat?
They were expelled from the convention
What happened following the fall of the girondins?
There were rebellions in a number of provincial cities, including Caen, Toulon, and Marseille called the Federal Revolt
Who was the Federal Revolt led by?
Moderates who didn’t want to be governed by the jacobins
What happened to Marat?
Charlotte Corday assassinated him in his bathtub, citing the fall of the girondins as motivation
When did Corday assassinate Marat?
13th July 1793
What happened in October 1793?
The girondins were found guilty of treason by the revolutionary tribunal and guillotined