2.5 practical (cognitive) Flashcards
what is the aim of the cognitive practical?
to investigate whether short term memory encodes acoustically similar words or acoustically dissimilar words better
what’s the one tailed hypothesis of the cognitive practical?
participants should be able to recall more acoustically dissimilar words in order than acoustically similar words
what’s the null hypothesis of the cognitive practical?
there is no difference as to which word lists participants recall better
what’s the procedure of the cognitive practical?
- replication of baddeley’s experiment
- participants will need to give informed consent
- shown acoustically similar list of 10 words and each word displayed for 3 seconds
- words will be shown in a random order and participants will have to write down words in order as displayed before
- done again for acoustically dissimilar list
what group design is the practical?
independent group design
what’s the analysis of the practical?
- as it’s a independent group design, mann whitney u test is used to see if the differences between the performances are significant
- calculated value of 25.5 is greater than critical value of 21 so null hypothesis is accepted and differences between list are not significant
what are the strengths of the practical?
highly controlled
—> standardised tasks
—> each word displayed for exactly 3 seconds
—> each word is equally common in the English language
what are the weaknesses of the practical?
testing conditions:
—> noises and various movement may have an effect on the experiment
—> environmental factors could be affecting recall ability, not just the acoustics
how can the practical be improved?
- use the same environment
—> use a lab room with nothing in it and no one in the rooms, therefore no distractions
—> ensures that recall ability of word lists are not influenced by the environment - use participants of the same age
—> ensures recall ability is not affected by age differences