(25-2) Hypothalamus/Anterior Pituitary Flashcards
(Special Portal System)
- capillaries in HT pick up HT hormones and carry them where?
- Relationship between NT and anterior pituitary neural or endocrine?
- Are HT hormones delivered to pituitary directly or indirectly? in what concentration?
- Do hormones circulate systematically?
- second capillary bed in anterior lobe
- another trick question bitch, it’s both
- directly; high concentration
- no (and there half life is short)
(Hypothalamic Hormones)
(What does each of these stand for?)
- GnRH
- growth hormone regulating hormone
- Thyroid stimulating hormone
- corticotropin releasing hormone
- prolactin inhibiting hormone
- gonadotropin releasing hormone
(i imagine you will cover all of this later - but if not go over this stuff)

(Anterior Pituitary Lobe Hormones )
How many families are there?
what are the three families?
- 3
- GH and Prolactin
learn this

(TSH, LH and FSH Family)
- all what kind of protein?
- How many subunits?
- What subunit is identical?
- What conferes biologic specificity?
- Where do alpha and beta get paired up?
- glycoprotein
- 2 (alpha and beta)
- alpha
- beta
- ER and golgi
(hCG (human chorionic gonadotropic-placenta)
(Gonadotropins: LH and FSH)
- regulate reproduction by doing what?
- LH stimulates secretion of what from the gonads?
(LH in males)
- binds to what to stimulate what?
(LH in Females)
- Ovarian theca cells respons to LH how?
- stimulating gonads
- sex steroids
- binds to receptors on Leydig cells to stimulate synthesis and secretion of testosterone
- secretion of testosterone (which is converted into estrogen by granulosa cells)
(Control of Gonadotropin Secretion)
- What hormone does this?
- makeup?
- What kind of feedback loop?
- What other 2 hormones do gonads secrete?
- 10 aa peptide
- classic negative
- inhibin (inhibits FSH) and activin (activates FSH)

look at this a little
kisspeptin is a strong simulator of GnRH secretion
6 steroids affect kisspeptin
I wouldn’t t

(Follicle Stimulating Hormone)
- FSH stimulates what?
- Exogenous FSH used to cause what?
- Critical for production of what? by supporting what?
- maturation of follicles
- “superovulation”
- sperm production; sertolli cells (which support sperm production)
(Luteinizing Hormone)
- Ovulation of mature follicles is induced by what? called what?
- Post ovulation in the follicle becomes a what? can secrete what two things?
- large burst of LH; Preovulatory LH surge
- a corpora lutea; progesterone and estradiol
- stimulated by what hormone?
- causes the secretion of what at thyroid gland?
- what kind of protein?
- Promotes growth of what?
- increases intrathyroidal deiodination of T4 to T3
- initiates uptake of what from the blood by thyroid gland?
- Thyroid releasing hormone (TRH)
- T4 and T3
- glycoprotein
- thyrocyte growth
- -
- iodide
*I think circulating thyroid hormones inhibit release of TSH (negative feedback)
(Endogenous TSH as a clinical tool)
Hypothyroid - 3 possibilities (making too little hormone)
- Primary hypothryoidism due to what?
- Secondary?
- Tertiary?
- thyroid gland dysfunction (not enough T3 and T4)
- pituitary dysfunction (not enough TSH from thyrotropes)
- hypothalamus dysfunction (not making TRH from neurons)
TSH is decreased/elevated in 60-80% of hypothyroid dogs