(18) Avian Part Two Flashcards
(Anatomical Dead Space Issue)
- Trachea is how much bigger than mammal?
- How much bigger is anatomic dead space?
- What happens in those with complex tracheas?
- What is the physiological solution?
- 2.7x longer and 1.3x wider
- 4.5x larger
- the problem is magnified
- decreased respiratory frequency
- Dead space is propotional to what?
- So if you reduce frequency what happens?
- So how do birds compensate for increased dead space?
- Respiratory frequency
- reduce dead space
- lower respiratory frequency
(Regulation of Respiration)
- What are the known similarities to mammalian in regulation? (two each with two subs)
- What do birds do that is extra?
- peripheral receptors (aortic body, carotid body); central chemoreceptors (pH, CO2)
- Phase locking with wing beats (crow 1:1, pheasant, chicken 5:1, hummingbird 100:1)
Look at this… on ipad
What are the differences between birds and mammals?
(there are three of them)

- Rather than lung stretch receptors, have intrapulmonary receptors (chemoreceptors)
- Rather than diaphragm, use intercostal muscles, sternal elevators, and external abdominal muscles
- instead of phrenic nerve seding info to diaphragm, use multiple plexi nerve extensions from C14-S1
(Intrapulmonary Chemoreceptor - IPC)
- Sensitive to what?
- Located where?
- How distributed?
- bias towards what?
- is pulmonary sensitivty to CO2 relatively uniform?
- CO2
- parabronchi
- asymmetrically
- ostia at posterior of paleopulmonic lung (fresh air)
- yes
(Intra-Pulmonary Chemoreceptors)
- Respond to what kinds of CO2
- How does firing rate in afferent fibers (CN X) respond to an increase in CO2 (hyperpnea)?
- Effectively, what happens?
- air-borne and blood-borne
- decreased firing rate
- decreased inhibition of rhythm generators in CNS
(Intra-Pulmonary Chemoreceptors)
- Conceptually analagous to what?
- Largely regulates what kind of respiration? What two types of regulation?
- Physiological basis for adaptation to what?
- stretch receptors (Hering-Breur reflex)
- intra-tidal respiration; volume regulation and frequency regulation
- extreme environments
(Some Challenges Met by Avian Respiratory System)
- What kind of environments offer a problem?
- What is the problem?
- What is another problem?
- And another? what is the real issue here?
- poorly ventilated environments (nesting burrows) ex burrowing owls, pelagic seabirds
- high levels of CO2
- deep, long dives (loons and penguins) - metabolic activity is producing a lot of CO2
- high-altitude flight (the bar-headed goose) - not so much of problem with CO2 - more with hypoxia
(Burrow Nesting Birds)
What is the atmospheric CO2 relative to that in burrow?
How do they address this problem?
- 0.03% atmospheric, 3% in burrow (1OOx increase, 10% CO2 is lethal)
- by decreased sensitivity of IPC to CO2
(IPC response to CO2 in Pigeons and Burrowing Owl)
- How did they research this?
- What did they monitor?
- How did the owl’s response compare to
- How did the firing rate of afferent vagal fibers compare?
- So what does decrease of firing rate from vagal nerve cause?
- Receptor sensitivty altered… postulated to be a change in what?

- Varied CO2 levels, monitored signals coming from the vagal fibers
- volume change and respiratory rate
- barn owl had significantly response for both
- In pigeon when CO2 reached 6% it stopped firing, in owl it kept going for longer
- reduction in inhibition - then respiratory rates will increase
- change in buffering of intracellular Hydrogen ion concentration
(Deep Diving and Diving Reflex)
- Stimulation of what?
- notable what?
- induces what?
- In birds, is bradycardia apnea dependent?
- mediated by what cranial nerve afferents?
- head and facial features
- bradycardia (slow heart rate)
- apnea (stops in breathing)
- yes
- V, IX, and X
(The Emperor Penguin)
- Dives to what depths?
- Stays submerged how long?
- Does it exhibit bradycardia?
- What is the problem? How do they address it?
- Longer the dive the lower the what?
- 100 M
- 15 minutes +
- extremem bradycardia (6 bpm)
- accumulating CO2; they have mechanisms to override ventilatory stimulation from CO2 accumulation
- heart rate
(Mechanims to prevent override in diving)
- In addition to slowing the heart rate what happens?
- Because birds are using oxygen stored in myoglobin in the muscle - what happens to the lactate? What is the effect of this? What does this lead to a decrease in?
- What is decoupled?
- Stimuli for breathing are blocked or no?
- What happens to heart and respiratory rate when they come out of water?
- What do they do before the dive?
- greatly reduces circulation to limbs; no blood flow to splachnic circulation
- it doesn’t build up in the circulation; no CO2 buildup in blood; decrease stimulation of IPC and central sensor systems
- phase-lock with limbs
- yes, they are blocked
- are both really high
- Voluntarily increase heart rate to pack myoglobin with O2 before dive
(Clinical Applications)
- What are the main things you look at during anesthesia monitoring and management?
- Signifcance of what?
These are four more clinical applications -
- air sac cannulization
- respiratory diseases
- nebulization therapy - delivery to airsacs
- endoscopy
- Respiratory rate and character (the key things); lesser so Blood Gases: end-tidal CO2 (capnography) - increasingly used for anesthesia monitoring
- apnea (they dont have a O2 reservoir)
(Clinical Applications of Regulation of ventiliation concepts)
- Is altered CO2 sensitivity species specific? What may there be issues with?
- Diving Reflex induced by? What does it produce? How is this prevented?
- yes, maintaining RR during gas anesthesia
- Noxious Stimuli to mouth, pharynx, and trachea (masks, intratracheal tubes); bradycardia and apnea; put lidocaine on glottis to prevent response
(Air Sac Cannulation)
- Can be used for what?
- Where does tube go?
- temporary relief of tracheal or bronchial blockage; used as a means of administering anesthesia
- The posterior thoracic airsacs (the abdominal group) - they can breath through this tube
(Air Sac Cannula)
- smaller tube than cannulation
- Used for what
- What happens to respiratory rate when you put this in?
- -
- administration of gas anesthetic
- it stops completely - need to rely on other factors (heart rate ) to omnitor
(Respiratory Diseases)