23 - Metabolic Liver Disorders & Tumors Flashcards
genotype of alpha 1 antitrypsin def
PiZZ (PiMM is normal)
clinical course of alpha 1 antritypsin def
variable - can present from childhood to adulthood
can cause fibrosis, chronic hepatitis or cirrhosis
can also cause pulm emphysema (but not usually in same pts w/ liver probs)
% of alpha 1 antitrypsin pts (homozygous) that develop clinical dz
how does alpha 1 antitrypsin def cause liver damage?
builds up in cells (can’t go from ER > golgi)
triggers autophagocytic response > mitochondrial dysfunction > hepatocyte injury
gene mutated in Wilson’s dz
ATP7B (transmembrane copper ATPase)
copper carrying protein in blood
will have dec levels in Wilson’s dz due to inhibition of secretion
pathogenesis of Wilson’s dz
impaired incorporation of Cu into ceruloplasmin > inhib of ceruloplasmin secretion > dec Cu transport into bile > accumulation
tx of Wilson’s dz
which lab test is a bad measure for Wilson’s dz?
serum copper - can be nl, low or high, so tells you nothing.
MC gene mutated for hereditary hemochromatosis
HFE gene - usually C282Y mutation
pathogenesis of hereditary hemochromatosis
dec hepcidin expression > excessive iron absorption in gut > tissue toxicity from iron overload
how much iron accumulation does it take to get sx?
~20g (hemochromatosis pts net .5-1 g/yr)
sx of hemochromatosis
general weakness, hepatomegaly, arthralgia, DM, arrhythmias/cardiomyopathy, skin pigmentation, amenorrhea/impotence/loss of libido, cirrhosis
MCC chronic liver test elevation
nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
histologic features of steatohepatitis
steatosis, ballooning degen, Mallory Denk bodies (Mallory hyaline), lobular neutrophils, nonspecific portal and lobular inflammation, fibrosis around terminal hepatic veins and perisinusoidal fibrosis “chicken wire”