18 - Pancreatitis Flashcards
2 mortality peaks for acute pancreatitis
w/in 1-2 wks from multi organ failure
later (3+wks) from infection
what starts the cascade of acute pancreatitis
conversion of typsinogen to trypsin > starts cascade of other enzymes and degrading the pancreas
cause of this first event usually unknown
pathophys of acute pancreatitis
initial insult is activation of enzymes
> microcirculatory damage > edema and ischemia
disruption of pancreatic ducts
cytokines from PMNs and macrophages > systemic inflammatory response
2 main causes of acute pancreatitis
gallstones (40%) and alcohol abuse (30%)
less common causes of acute pancreatitis
microlithiasis/biliary sludge
dx of acute pancreatitis
need 2 of:
typical sx
amylase/lipase 3x nl limits
CT findings of pancreatitis
acute pancreatitis sx and signs
sx: abd pain - epigastric radiating to back, steady, mod-severe; N/V
signs: abd tenderness
Gray Turner’s sign (ecchymoses in flanks)
Cullen’s sign - periumbilical ecchymosis
tachycardia, fever
resp distress, AMS in severe cases
which one rises quicker in acute pancreatitis - amylase or lipase?
imaging modality for pancreatitis
Ranson’s criteria (not specfics, just general use)
for judging severity of acute pancreatitis
1 set for at admission, and check again at 48 hrs
Balthazar grades
CT scoring guide for acute pancreatitis
BISAP score
score for acute pancreatitis
BUN >25 Impaired mental status SIRS (>2 signs) Age >60 Pleural effusions
> 3 has likelihood for severe pancreatitis
management of acute pancreatitis
NPO (enteral feeding, not TPN)
aggressive IVF resuscitation (lactated ringer’s, maintain good urine output)
pain control (opiates)
*prophylactic abx generally NOT indicated
local complications of acute pancreatitis
pseudocysts, walled off necrosis
pathophys of chronic pancreatitis
loss of parenchymal cells, chronic inflammation, fibrosis