14 - Functional GI disorders Flashcards
alarm features that warrant further workup when thinking about functional GI disorders
wt loss (>10 lbs) iron def anemia high volume diarrhea age > 50 family history of IBD, CRC, celiac rectal bleeding nocturnal diarrhea or pain
what is the one test worth doing on a pt w/ functional GI disorder?
celiac serologies - much higher prevalence of this in IBS pts than normal population
ROME III criteria for functional dyspepsia
one or more: bothersome postprandial fullness, early satiety, epigastric pain, epigastric burning
AND no structural dz to explain sx
time frame req for functional GI dx
present for last 3 mo and sx onset at least 6 mo ago
ROME III criteria for IBS
recurrent abd pain/discomfort at least 3 d/mo
AND 2 or more of: improvement w/ defecation, change in stool freq, change in stool appearance/form
associated sx w/ IBS
abnl stool freq/form defecation straining urgency feeling of incomplete BM passing mucus bloating
suspected cause of IBS bloating
bacteria play a role - small bowel overgrowth or altered colonic flora implicated
pathophys of functional GI disorders
genetic/env factors that predispose > some insult like infxn, food sensitivity, emotional stress > resulting neuropathy, motor disturbance, hypersensitivity, sensory processing, psych problem > symptoms
tx for IBS
treat predominant sx - constipation, diarrhea same as in a normal pt
pain predominant - antispasmodics, antidepressants