19 - Pancreas Pathology Flashcards
pancreas divisum
5-7% of population
failure of fusion of ducts of Wirsung and Santorini
2 genetic causes of acute pancreatitis
cationic trypsinogen
serous cystadenoma
pancreatic tumor, almost always benign, only remove if obstructing or something
mucinous cystic neoplasm
bad news - highly assoc w/ invasive CA - resect
intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm
visible duct distended by mucin
most occur in head of pancreas
30% develop into invasive CA
excellent prognosis otherwise
4 mutations assoc w/ pancreatic CA
MC part of pancreas to get CA
signs/sx of pancreatic CA at head vs tail
head - bascially like obstructive pancreatitis
tail - insidious, wt loss, pain, trousseau sign, often not noticed until late
the “good news” place to have peri-pancreatic CA
ampulla of vater - 50% overall five yr survival
neuroendocrine tumors compared to adenoCA in pancreas
neuroendocrine is much nicer
Whipple’s triad
characteristics of insulinoma
attacks of hypoglycemia (glucose < 50 mg/dl)
anxiety, cold sweat, confusion, loss of consciousness, stupor
precipitated by fasting or exercise, relieved by eating or IV glucose