23, 24 - Embryogenesis 1 Flashcards
Do you know these?
fucking learn it dumbass
What are primordial germ cells? How and when are they differentiated?
Give a broad overview of the definition of fertilization.
How is sperm transported in the male reproductive tract?
Where does fertilization usually occur?
How does sperm travel to the oocyte? Through which anatomical structures? At what time is most optimal?
Capacitation is necessary for IVF
Give a specific overview of the process of ovulation.
Give a specific overview of the mechanism of fertilization and how a fertilized oocyte becomes a diploid zygote.
What happens when 2 sperm enter the oocyte? How would that process occur? What is that process called?
Name of process: Polyspermy
How it happens: faulty cortical granule release
What happens? Polyspermy results in polyploidy
Some hallmarks:
-honycomb/snowstorm appearance on ultrasound
-very increased hCG
triploid hydatidiform moles (partial moles) has fetal parts in imaging
Describe the process of cleavage in the first week of embryogenesis.
What happens if there is splitting during cleavage?
Describe blastocyst formation and the structure of the blastocyst.
Describe the process of blastocyst implantation in the uterine wall.
What is an ectopic pregnancy? What are the consequences of this?
Why is the implanted blastocyst not cleared from the uterine wall during menstruation?
What is a way to remember hallmarks of the second week of embryogenesis?
The week of 2’s: differentiation of the trophoblast into 2 (sycytiotrophoblast and cytotrophoblast), differentiation of the embryoblast into 2 (epiblast and hypoblast and the bilaminar disk), formation of the amnion from the epiblast and formation of the yolk sac from the hypoblast
Describe the differentiation of the trophoblast in the second week of embryogenesis.
assists in further implantation
Describe the differentiation of the embryoblast during the second week of embryogenesis.
How is nutrition supplied to the embryo in the second week of embryogenesis?
How is the chorion devloped in the second week of embryogenesis?
includes extrembryonic mesoderm, cytotrophoblast, and syncytiotrophoblast
What is the function of the early embryonic membrances and sacs?
second week of embryogenesis
What does the embryo look like at the end of the second week of embryogenesis?
What happens to the bilaminar disk during the third week of embryogenesis?
primitive streak is most important
How is left-right orientation determined in the third week of embryogenesis?
left right dynein and kinesin is very important in cilia function here
What are diseases associated with left-right asymmetry?
Describe the process of gastrulation in the third week of embryogenesis. What does it form?
Describe the formation of the notochord in the third week of embryogenesis. What is it made of?
Describe the process of neurulation in the third week of embryogenesis. What tissue is involved?
How are the neural folds fused during the third week of embryogenesis?
like a zipper going to both the cranial and caudal ends, this forms the brain and spinal cord eventually
What happens when there are defects in the closure of the posterior neuropore during the third week of embryogenesis?
What happens when there ae defects in the closure of the anterior neuropore during the third week of emrbyogenesis?
How is the mesoderm differentiated during the third week of embryogenesis?
What are the subdivisions of the intraembryonic mesoderm? What do these subdivisions eventially differentiate into?
What happens during the 4th week of embryogenesis?
embryonic folding
Describe cranial-caudal folding in the 4th week of embryogenesis.
Describe Lateral folding in the 4th week of embryogenesis.