2.2 Y=f(x) Output as a function of input Flashcards
What does Y=f(x) mean?
A: Y is the output variable, x’s are the input variables, and f() is a function or process that transforms the x’s into Y. In the Define Phase you should have 30 to 50 x’s (or more). As we work through the phases we will reduce the number of x’s based on what is vitally important.
How does Y=f(x) align with each phase of the DMAIC cycle?
A: Define – Understand the Y and how to measure it, Measure – Identify potential x’s, measure x’s and Y and start to prioritize x’s, Analyze – Test the relationship between x’s and Y, verify which x’s matter, Improve – Use x’s to create changes in Y, Control – Monitor x’s and Y over time.
What are the six sources of influence?
A: Personal (values and skills), Social (teamwork and support), and Structural (incentives and systems)
What are the six common categories of a Fishbone Diagram?
A: People, Methods, Measurements, Machines, Environment, and Materials
What should you do if you don’t understand any of the x’s?
A: You should be observed…..GO LOOK !!!!