2.1.6: The global carbon cycle Flashcards
The amount of carbon held in the global system eg: the atmosphere, oceans and biosphere
Are movements or transfers of carbon between stores eg: volcanic activity adds 0.1 gigatonnes of carbon to the atmosphere annually
Flows into stores
eg: CO2 added to the atmosphere by human activities
Flows leaving stores
eg: dissolved carbon carried from the land in solution by rivers
1 gigatonne
1 billion tonnes
1 gigatonne of carbon dioxide
Carbon sequestration
Capture and storage of CO2
Processes between the land and atmosphere
(fast carbon cycle)
fossil fuel combustion
Carbon pathway from land to ocean
slow carbon cycle
process overview
Rainwater containing weak carbonic acid reacts with limestone rock to produce soluble calcium bicarbonate - moves thru water cycle marine organisms use ^ to create shells shells deposited as carbon-rich sediment lithified
Process by which sediment is slowly turned into rock
In situ breakdown of rocks at or near the Earth’s surface by physical, chemical and biological processes.
Difference between weathering and erosion?
Weathering happens where the material is and erosion is the removal of the material
Rainwater combines with dissolved CO2 to forms weak carbonic acid and reacts with minerals in the rock form soluble bicarbonates.
type of weathering
chemical weathering
Chemical weathering transfers …. from rocks to the atmosphere and oceans every year
0.3 billion tonnes of carbon
Examples of limestone landscapes in the UK
Limestone cliffs at Llandudno
Exposed rocks at Malham, Yorkshire
Example of chalk landscapes in the UK
England’s South Downs
Methods by which oceans take up CO2
biological pump and physical pump
Physical pump
CO2 dissolved in oceans can be transferred to the deep oceans in areas where cold, dense surface water sink.
Process of downwelling
Carries carbon molecules to great depths where they remain for centuries
What determines ocean acidity
CO2 diffusion
Biological pump
Organisms such as phyloplankton absorb CO2 via photosynthesis and then are consumed by other organisms in the marine food web.