204 Collection Management Flashcards
What is the function of OSINT?
Info of potential intelligence value that is available to the general public. Legally obtainable.
What is the function of SIGINT?
Derived from the exploitation of foreign electronic emissions.
What is the function of GEOINT?
Exploitation of imagery and geospatial information
What is the function of MASINT?
Scientific and technical intelligence information obtained by qualitative and quantitative analysis of data
What is the function of HUMINT?
Derived from human beings who act as both sources and collectors.
State the purpose of COLISEUM
Community On-Line Intelligence Systems for End Users and Managers: all source intelligence via RFIs.
State the purpose of GIMS
GEOINT Information Management Services: submit and track tasking for ONIR, NTM and COM GEOINT data
State the purpose of NSRP
National SIGINT Requirement Process: requests for SIGINT products and services.
State the purpose of PRISM
Planning Tool for Resource Integration Synchronization and Management: Collection management of theater level and below ISR assets.
State the purpose of TORS
Transitional ONIR Requirements System: Used to view and track ONIR collection
State the purpose of NMRS
National MASINT Requirements System: Collection management tool for MASINT requirements
State the purpose of OSCAR-MS
Open Source Collection Acquisition-Management System: Collection requirements management; open source requirements to open source collectors.
State the function of the DIA DRO
Department Requirements Officer: Coordinates, validates, and de-conflicts crisis GEOINT collection requirements; COCOMs, JS/J2, DIA, NJOIC, NCMI, JWAC.
State the purpose of DHE-M 3301.001
- DHE-M 3301.001 establishes collection requirements.
- DHE-M 3301.002 establishes collection operations.
What are the differences between an EEI and a PIR?
PIR (Priority Intelligence Requirement) : requirements deemed most important to mission accomplishment.
EEI (Essential Element Info): would answer a PIR.
Define RFI
Request for Information: requirement for intelligence information or products
State the purpose of the NIPF
National Intelligence Priorities Framework: establishing national intelligence priorities.
State the purpose of HOTR
HUMINT Online Tasking and Reporting: Tasking, collection, reporting, evaluation/feedback, and data management
What are the differences between user roles that exist within HOTR?
- Global Administrator: Create, view, modify & deactivate any user account in the system
- Organizational Coordinator: Local Account and User Management
“Write” Access Profiles:
- Collectors & Reports Officer: Creates NIP; KB; IIR; Bio IIR; SNC; CM; and GM - Consumer & Collection Manager: Creates SDR; HCR; AHR; TSCR; IIR Evals
State the purpose of HARMONY and its significance in intelligence collection
Database containing detailed bibliographic descriptions of military, technical, and open-source documents acquired by U.S. intelligence agencies and military units to include documents captured on the battlefield and in raids supporting the GWOT.
Define collection management
Process of converting intelligence requirements into collection requirements, establishing priorities, tasking or coordinating with appropriate collection sources or agencies, monitoring results, and retasking, as required.
What Collection Management office exists within the Directorate for Operations?
CMT - Office of Collection Management and Targeting
State the purpose of the JTENS manual
Joint Tactical Exploitation of National Systems: Intended to serve as a handbook on U.S. reconnaissance