105 Supply and Support Flashcards
What is the purpose of the 3-M/PMS System?
3-M: Maintenance, Material & Management
- How and how often to do the maintenance
PMS: Planned Maintenance System
- When to do the maintenance
How is DPAS used to track equipment?
DPAS: Defense Property Accountability System; tracks life cycle of an asset from receipt to disposition
What is the purpose of the MOV program?
MOV: Material Obligation Validation; reconciliation of RPPO and ship’s stores
- Sort of receipt for RPPO of what was ordered, date ordered & how much it cost
What is the DLR program?
DLR: Depot Level Repair; manages high-value (cost) items that cannot be repaired or reused
- Typically pieces of equipment that are too large or require specialized equipment/training that ship’s company cannot provide
Explain the procedures for NRFI (Not Ready For Issue) DLRs in regard to the following situations:
-Turn in & RIP
Turn-in: The part that is to be replaced is turned in to supply, then the process is initiated to replace the part (for exchange basis only)
- RIP: Return in place; required to remain in use until the new item arrives. Must be approved by CO.
What is the purpose of a MAM (Maintenance Assist Module)?
MAM (Maintenance Assist Module); usually DLRs. Used for troubleshooting only.
What is the purpose of bulkhead mounted spares?
Spares that are kept in the work center due to size or cost. Dept head responsible for upkeep
Define CASREP and its 4 categories
Casualty Report: Used in event of equipment malfunction/deficiency that can’t be corrected within 48 hours.
CAT I: Used only at training commands
CAT II: Minor degradation in any primary mission or a major degradation or total loss of a secondary mission
CAT III: Major degradation but not the loss of a primary mission
CAT IV: worse than CAT III and causes a loss of at least one primary mission
What is NSN?
NSN: National Stock Number; 13 digit number used to identify an item of material in supply distribution system
What is COG?
COG: Cognizance Code
What is APL?
APL: Allowance Parts List; lists all reair parts installed on the equipment/component to which it applies
What is AEL?
AEL: Allowance Equipage List; contains the onboard allowance of equipage and supplies
What is NC?
NC: Not Carried; material for which there is no storeroom allowance
Define NIS
NIS: Not In Stock
Define SIM
SIM: Selected Item Maintenance; inventory control system where maximum attention is paid to those items experiencing a high rate of usage
What is a DD Form 1348-6?
MILSTRIP requisitioning form for NON-NSN (anywhere)
What is NAVCOMP 2276?
Request for Contractual Procurement
What is NAVSUP 1250-2?
MILSTRIP requisitioning form for NON-NSN (Navy Supply Source Only)
What is DD Form 448?
Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request (MIPR)
What is SF 44?
Purchase Order/Invoice/Voucher
What is DD Form 1155?
Order for Supplies or Services
What is SF 1449?
Solicitation/Contract/Order for Commercial Items
What is SF 30?
Amendment of Solicitation/Modification of Contract
What is DD Form 200?
Financial Liability Investigation of Property Loss (FLIPL)
What is SF 364?
Report of Discrepancy (ROD)
What is SF 386?
Product Quality Deficiency Report (PQDR)
Discuss CHRIMP
CHRIMP: Consolidated Hazardous Material Reutilization and Inventory Management Program; lifecycle control and management of Hazardous Material
Discuss DRMS
DRMS: Defense Reutilization and Marketing Service; dedicated to the disposition of excess and surplus military equipment and supplies
Discuss ServMart
ServMart: Warehouse designed store that contains NSN items to be bought with gov’t purchase card
What are the uses of the Government commercial purchase card (IMPAC)?
Streamlines payment procedures
Explain OPTAR and its components
Operating Target: an estimate of the amount of money that will be required by an operating unit
Divided into 2 sections:
- Repairable: parts required to fix/correct deficiency in ship/station
- Consumables: Toilet paper, paper, pens, folders, binders, etc.
What is the difference between Normal Power, Emergency Power, and Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS)?
Normal Power: Standard power for daily usage
Emergency Power: Secondary power supplied to vital equipment in event of casualty
Uninterrupted Power Supply: Minimal battery power to properly power down a system