109 Communications Flashcards
What is the purpose of a Red Cross message?
Message delivered 24/7/365 to military at any duty station. Used by family members to notify service members of emergency or other important event
What is ADNS and its function?
ADNS: Advance Digital Network System
- Connects Navy shipboard networks to other ship/shore networks for transferring IP data
What is CUDIXS and its function?
CUDIXS: Common User Digital Information Exchange System
- Provides 2400 baud full duplex interface, over satellite link with mobile platforms, for receipt/transmission of GENSER message traffic
Describe VERDIN and its function
VERDIN: VLF Digital Information Network
- Provides highly reliable/secure system for worldwide delivery of operation, tactical, and admin messages from Fleet Submarine Broadcast System & Minimum Essential Emergency Communications Network
Describe NOVA and its function
NOVA: relays messages to other commands outside immediate AOR.
Describe IBS and its function
IBS: Integrated Broadcast System; integrated several existing systems into a single system of broadcast allowing receipt of data via single receiver. (3 Types of IBS)
- IBS-I (integrated): System interactive
- IBS-S (simplex): Used to transmit/receive data to and from the broadcast
- IBS-N (network): Only receiving information
What is INMARSAT and its function?
INMARSAT: International Maritime Satellite
- Commercial satellite system used to provide voice and data IP communications for ships at sea
What is DMS and its function?
Defense Messaging System (2 types)
- NREMS: Navy Regional Enterprise Messaging System
- AMHS: Automated Message Handling System
What is VTC?
VTC: Video Teleconference
What is DCO and its function?
DCO: Defense Connect Online
- Web-based virtual meeting room
Discuss GINGERBREAD and the procedures involved
Code word used to alert that there’s an intruder on the voice network
Discuss types of disclosures afforded protection by the EEFI (Essential Elements of Friendly Information) list
Established to identify specific items of info which, if acquired by an adversary, would degrade the security of military operations, special projects, etc.
- 01: Position
- 02: Capabilities
- 03: Operations
- 04: Electronic Warfare
- 05: Personnel
- 06: COMSEC
- 07: Wrong Circuit:
- 08-10: NATO assignment as required
- 11-29: Reserved for COMUSNAVEUR
- 30-49: Reserved for COMUSFLTFORCOM
- 50-69: Reserved for COMPACFLT
Discuss BEAD WINDOW and the procedures involved
EEFI (Essential Elements of Friendly Information) disclosure has occurred
- Brings immediate attention to the circuit operators
Define RIVER CITY and state when it is utilized
Communications are cut/limited as precautionary tactic when sensitive mission/event will be or already is taking place
- RIVERCITY 1: Limited to CO, XO, CMC & key personnel only
- RIVERCITY 2: Limited to DH and above
- RIVERCITY 3: Limited to E7 and above
- RIVERCITY 4: All hands
Discuss JSIR
JSIR: Joint Spectrum Interference Resolution; Standardizes techniques and procedures for spectrum interference resolution throughout the DoD
Define Meaconing
Intentional transmission of signals designed to deceive users of navigational aids
Discuss Intrusion
Intentional insertions of EM energy into transmission paths in any manner
Define Jamming
Deliberate radiation, re-radiation, or reflection of EM energy for the purpose of preventing an enemy’s effective use of the EM spectrum
Discuss Spectrum management
Ensures various combatant units & AORs practice good hygiene. Basically, knowing advantages/disadvantages when utilizing RF spectrum for communications
Define PLA
PLA: Plain Language Address
- Denotes command short title and sometimes geographic location used is message addressing
Define DTG
DTG: Date Time Group
- Time stamp used in Naval messages (2 parts)
1. 6 digits DDHHHH
2. single letter zone suffix, month, year ZMMMYY
Define UTC
Universal Time Code; Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) (ZULU)
- 24 hour time scale
List the components of a standard Navy message
FL /2: Message header FL /4: Classification FL /5: DTG FL /6: From FL /7: To FL /8: INFORMATION FL /12: Subject, Classification, Body
Define the message precedences
R: Routine - 6 HOURS P: Priority - 3 HOURS O: Immediate - 30 MINUTES Z: Flash - 10 MINUTES W: Flash Override - 10 MINUTES OR LESS; overrides all other codes
State the purpose of OPTASK COMMUNICATIONS
Standardized messages used to convey operational instructions/intentions, pass operational information to tactical commanders at sea, report operational information b/w commanders, or notify organizations of impending and actual operations of units engaged in maritime warfare
State the purpose of COMMPLAN
A tool for RADIO, CIC and Bridge Personnel
- Gives a true picture of what communication circuits are required and indicated, where and when they are needed throughout specific underway period
State the purpose of TSO (Telecommunication service order)
Authorization to start, change, or discontinue circuits, trunks links, or systems
What is the purpose of TSR (Telecommunication service request)?
Request to activate, discontinue, or change existing telecommunications services
State the purpose of a COMSPOT/Communications service advisory
GENSER message that reports any unusual communications difficulties.
Submitted at IMMEDIATE precedence after 30 minutes of outage and as often as necessary to restore communications
What is the purpose of Electronic Key Management (EKMS)?
Basic guidelines for handling COMSEC material
- i.e. two person integrity, training, etc.
State the purpose of OTAT/OTAR
OTAT: Over-the-air-transfer; A single, simultaneous or sequential transfer of electronic key
OTAR: Over-the-air-rekey; process of remotely updating a distant end station key by overwriting the currently stored traffic key with new electronic key
Describe TEMPEST
TEMPEST: Unclassified codename referring to investigations and studies of compromising emanations
State the purpose of Emissions Control (EMCON)
Condition set for specific purpose of reducing or limiting the electronic signature of the ship for a specific reason (4 EMCON Conditions):
- EMCON A: Radio Silence
- EMCON B: Hide from Satellites
- EMCON C: To reduce targeting signature for adversaries
- EMCON D: Essential equipment is authorized