203-23 Conduct Ordered Breath Testing Of UMOS Flashcards
On duty ordered breath testing
Designated supervisor
7. After being designated to conduct an ordered breath test of an on duty MOS, the breath test will be conducted at the _______________ or at the ________________, on a date and time when the subject member is regularly scheduled to work
- Notify ______________/_______________ at the subject members command to have the subject member transported by a higher ranking member to the medical division or the personnel bureau investigations unit in an expeditious fashion.
- Respond to the medical division, or the personnel bureau investigations unit, as appropriate on the date and time that the subject member was notified to appear.
- Advise subject member that he or she may be tested by a number of different means, such as the pbt device and the intoxilyzer.
- Direct subject member to prepare an ordered breath test questionnaire form. Form will be retained in subjects file maintained by personnel bureau investigations unit office.
- Conduct a breath test unsung pbt device in a private setting at the medical division or at the personnel bureau investigations unit. Supervisor concerned must observe the subject member for at least 20 minutes prior to initiating the test to ensure that the subject member does not engage in any activities that may skew the results. ( eating, drinking , vomiting etc.)
- If reading is less than .02 and there are no related info is of intox no further action is required at this time.
- If the reading on pbt is greater that .02 immediately notify highway IDTU to respond to the medical division to test the subject member using the intoxilyzer that is maintained at the medical division.
A. IDTU tech will utilize a specially developed form entitled ordered breath test instruction sheet to interview the subject member and a specifically developed check list entitled intoxilyzer operational checklist to conduct the test.
B. Supervisor concerned shall carefully record and then take into account the intoxilyzer reading along with any other related indicia of intoxication in coming to a conclusion that the subject member is apparently unfit for duty. As part of this process, the supervisor should use a blood alcohol level of .04 or greater on the intoxilyzer as the threshold for a presumption of lack of fitness for duty.
C. If the supervisor concerned has reason to conclude that the subject member is apparently unfit for duty, the supervisor will notify the commanding officer. The supervisor will be guided by the procedures contained in PG 206-12 removal of firearms from intoxicated UMOS.
If subject member is determined to be unfit for duty the IAB command center will be notified and a log number will be obtained.
- Medical division or at the personnel
bureau investigations unit - Commanding officer/Desk Officer
Off duty ordered breath testing
Home visits related to off duty ordered breath testing will be conducted in a similar fashion to home visits by the medical division to uniform members of the service who are in sick leave. Breath testing of off duty member of the service will normally conducted from 0900-2100 including weekends. Members tested off duty are entitled to overtime compensation.
- After being designated to conduct an ordered breath test of an off duty member, ascertain whether subject member is in sick report. If member is not in sick report respond to the members residence to conduct breath test. If I’m sick report test will not be conducted until member is no longer in sick report.
Designated supervisor will be accompanied by at least one other supervisor/member of the personnel bureau investigations unit or the medical divisions absence control and investigations unit.
A.if member does not answer door leave a notification card under the door with instructions that’s the member is to immediately contact you upon his/her receipt of the card.
B. Attempt to contact the member via alternative means(cellphone) if necessary.
C. When subject member is located, direct them to remain at his/her current location pending your arrival. The subject member will neither be requested nor permitted to drive until the breath testing has been completed and the members fitness for duty has been determined.
- Once personal contact is made with the subject member on initial visit, request members identification card in order to confirm members identity.
- Proceed to conduct the testing process in a private setting (member residence, department auto) in a dignified respectful fashion. The subject members input should be solicited in regard to where he/she would feel most comfortable having the test conducted.
- Advise the subject member that he or she may be tested by a number of different means such as the pbt device and the intoxilyzer.
- Direct member to prepare a ordered breath test questionnaire form.
A. Form retained in file maintained at personnel bureau investigations unit office.handled in confidential manner. - Conduct breath test using pbt device.
- If reading is less than .02 and no related indicia of intoxication then no further action is required
A. If reading is less than .02 and member appears to be intoxicated or under influence of a prohibited substance supervisor will confer with CO presonnel bureau investigations unit. - If reading is .02 or above and member appears to be intoxicated the member will be transported expeditiously to the medical divisions left an city facility and immediate notification will be made to highway IDTU to respond and test member with intoxilyzer.
A. IDTU tech will utilize ordered breath test instruction sheet to interview member and a specially developed checklist entitled intoxilyzer operational checklist to conduct the test.
B. Supervisor concerned shall carefully record and take into account the intoxilyzer reading along with any other related indicia of intoxication in coming to a conclusion that the subject member is apparently unfit for duty. Supervisor should use a blood alcohol level of .04 or greater on the intoxilyzer as the threshold for a presumption of lack of fitness of duty.
C. If supervisor concerned has reason to conclude that subject member is unfit for duty supervisor will notify CO personnel bureau investigations unit and be guided by PG 206-12 removal of firearms from intoxicated UMOS - Ensure that member is transported back to his/her residence after all testing, administrative and related matters have been completed
All times related to the testing process
will be carefully documented.
Attempts by the subject member to evade contact may result in further disciplinary action and possible termination.
Supervisor concerned must observe member for atleast 20 minutes prior to initiating test to ensure member does not engage in any activities that may skew the test results
If member is determined unfit for duty IAB command center will be notified and a log number will be obtained.
Indicia of intoxication Face to face observation and interaction with the subject member allows the supervisor concerned to use his or her senses to obtain “evidence” of alcohol intoxication -The sense of sight -The sense of hearing -The sense of smell