2025 Physiology Exam 1 Flashcards
Lectures 1-5: Intro/Cell/Membrane, Membrane Transport/Protein Synthesis, Vision/Hearing/Balance, Pulmonary Phys 1, Pulmonary Phys 2
The science that is concerned with the function of the living organism and its parts, and of the physical and chemical processes involved.
The study of disordered body function (i.e., disease)
The basis for clinical medicine
The maintenance of a stable
“milieu interieur”
Claude Bernard (1813–1878)
Feedback Control Types
Negative feedback: promotes stability
Feed-forward: anticipates change
Positive feedback: promotes a change in one direction, instability, disease
Negative Feedback Control of Arterial Pressure to Promote Stability
Baroreceptor Reflex: Negative Feedback System to Promote Stability
Cardiopulmonary Reflexes: Feed-ForwardControl of Blood Pressure to Anticipate a Change
Feedback Gain
Gain = Correction/Error
A measure of the effectiveness of a feedback system
Hemorrhagic Shock: Positive Feedback
Action Potential: Positive Feedback
Active Transport of Na+ and K +
Remember: sodium is pumped out of the cell, potassium is pumped in …
Simple Diffusion of Na+ and K+
Through leaky channels
Membrane Potential (Vm)
Charge difference across the membrane
Simplest Case Scenario for K+
The Potassium Nernst Potential
AKA = the equilibrium potential
Simplest Case Scenario for Na+
The Sodium Nernst Potential
The Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz Equation
Take home message…
The resting membrane potential is closest to the equilibrium potential for the ion with the highest permeability!
Resting Vm for Various Cell Types
Net Driving Force on Ions
Action Potential Terms
The Action Potential
An action potential:
is a regenerating depolarization of membrane potential that propagates along an excitable membrane.
Propagates: conducted without decrement (an “active” membrane event)
Excitable: capable of generating action potentials
Action potential basics:
All-or-none event (need to reach threshold)
Constant amplitude (do not summate)
Initiated by depolarization
Involve changes in permeability
Rely on voltage-gated ion channels
Functions of Action Potentials
Deliver sensory information to CNS
APs in sensory nerves are blocked by local anesthetics. This usually produces analgesia without paralysis. Why no paralysis? LAs are more effective against small diameter neurons with a large surface area to volume ratio. Hence, small C-fibers that conduct pain sensations are affected more than large, alpha-motorneurons.
Information encoding
The frequency of APs encodes information (amplitude of AP is constant).
Rapid transmission over distance (nerve cell APs)
The speed of transmission depends on fiber size and whether it is myelinated. Information of lesser importance is carried by slowly conducting unmyelinated fibers (nonmyelinated c-fibers conduct pain sensations).
In non-nervous tissues, APs initiate various cellular responses.
muscle contraction
secretion (e.g., Epinephrine from chromaffin cells of medulla)
Membrane Permeability during Action Potential
Ion Channels
Permeability of axon membrane to ions is determined by the:
number of open channels.
Ion channels are usually selectively permeable
permeable to specific ions:
some pass only Na ions and are generally called “Na channels”
some pass only K ions = “K channels”
some pass only Ca ions = “Ca channels” (important in synaptic transmission)
some pass only Cl ions = “Cl channels”
permeable to classes of ion:
Some channels are selective only for cations (Na, K and Ca) over anions (e.g., Cl-)
These are called ‘non-selective cation channels’
Ion channel gating (using voltage-gated as example)
Most voltage-gated channels open in response to depolarization.
The terms “gate” and “gating” refer to transitions between different states.
These “different states” reflect different conformational states of the channel protein
Has minimum of two gating transitions.
activation = opening of channel when membrane is depolarized
deactivation = closure of channel when membrane repolarizes
Refractory Periods
Propagation of Action Potentials
Signal Transmission
Schwann cells surround the nerve axon forming a myelin sheath.
Sphingomyelin decreases membrane capacitance and ion flow 5000-fold.
Sheath is interrupted every 1–3 mm by a node of Ranvier.
Nonmyelinated vs Myelinated
MS is an immune-mediated inflammatory DEMYLINATING disease of the CNS
Point of communication between neurones
Most synapses involve transmitter substances.
Synapses can be:
- Excitatory
- Inhibitory
Neurons communicate with specialized structures - synapses.
An action potential in the presynaptic cell causes transmitter to be released.
In fast synapses, transmitter substances bind to receptors on postsynaptic cell to directly open ion channels (ligand-gated)
The permeability of this region of the “postsynaptic” membrane to ions is increased.
The selectivity of the channels for particular ions determines whether the membrane is hyperpolarized or depolarized.
The membrane potential will move towards the equilibrium potential for the permeant ion(s)
Excitatory transmitters depolarize the membrane.
Synaptic responses that reach threshold initiate an action potential.
Subthreshold responses can summate with others.
Subthreshold Potential Charge vs Action Potential
Subthreshold potential change (electrotonic)
proportional to stimulus strength (graded)
not propagated but decremental with distance
exhibits summation
Action potential
independent of stimulus strength (all or none)
propagated unchanged in magnitude
summation not possible
Synaptic Response: Excitatory
Examples—nAChR, Glutamate
Permeable to cations (Na+, K+, and Ca2+)
Equilibrium potential ~ 0 mV
Depolarizes postsynaptic cell
Enhances excitability
Synaptic Response - Inhibitory
Examples—GABAA, Glycine
Permeable to anions (Cl-)
Equilibrium potential ~ -90 mV
Hyperpolarizes post-synaptic cell
Depresses excitability
Ventricular Action Potential
Sinoatrial Node Action Potential
SA Node Action Potential: Parasympathetic
SA Node Action Potential: Sympathetic
Transport of O2 and CO2 into Blood and Tissue Definitions
Partial pressure
Depends on percentage of gas
Driving force for diffusion
% Hb that has oxygen bound (note: no units)
Absolute quantity (mL O2/100 mL blood)
Decreased ability for the body to carry O2 in the body
Uptake of O2 in Lungs
External Respiration happening in the lungs
***Internal Respiration is within the tissue
Blood O2 Content Throughout Circulation
Greatest amount of O2 PICKED UP in Pulmonary Capillaries
Greatest amount of O2 LOST in the Systemic Capillaries
Moves via Diffusion
Alveolar and Blood Gases
O2 wants to join onto the Hb (hemoglobin) as it moves through Pulmonary Capillaries
Alveolar and Blood Gases Even With No Red Cells
Even with no Hb the O2 will still diffuse across
Blood and Tissue PO2
Balance Between Blood Flow and Tissue PO2
Exercising increases O2 consumption… body needs O2 diffusion increases
Tissue PO2 is determined by balance of delivery and usage
What Happens to Tissue PO2 With Normal Metabolism and Increased Flow?
What Happens to Tissue PO2 With Increased Metabolism and Normal Flow?
Diffusion of CO2
Cellular CO2 is higher than Capillary… diffuse in to be removed
Tissue PCO2 Is Balance between Tissue Metabolism and Blood Flow
Diffusion of CO2
Oxygen Transport (How is it Transported)
Partial pressure (mm Hg)
driving force for diffusion
Percent saturation (no units)
Content (mL O2/100 mL blood)
absolute quantity of oxygen in blood
Transport of O2 in Blood
Dissolved Oxygen
Solubility 0.003 mL O2/100 mL blood mm Hg
Normal blood 0.3 mL O2/100 mL blood
Normal oxygen consumption 250 mL O2/min
Would require 831/min blood flow
*** Very low amount
97% transported by Hb
O2 + HB ~= HBO2
1.34 mL O2/g Hb
15 g Hb/100 mL blood
20 mL O2/100 mL blood
10 g Hb/100 mL blood
13 mL O2/100 mL blood
Hemoglobin-Oxygen Dissociation
Hemoglobin-Oxygen Dissociation
Hemoglobin-Oxygen Dissociation
Over wide range hemoglobin will be highly saturated
example: PO2 of 60 saturation is 89%.
Normal: 5 mL O2/100 mL blood (40 mm Hg)
Exercise: 15 O2/100 mL blood (20 mm Hg)
Exercise and Uptake of O2
Increased cardiac output
Decreased transit time
Increased diffusing capacity
Opening up of additional capillaries
Better ventilation/perfusion match
Equilibration even with shorter time (previous graph)
Shift of O2 Dissociation Curve
Right shift at tissue
increased carbon dioxide in blood (associate with increased H+)
decreased affinity for oxygen… enter into tissue
maintain partial pressure gradient
Left shift at lungs
loss of carbon dioxide at lungs
increased affinity of oxygen
V/Q Mismatch
Regional V/Q ratios vary throughout lung.
Pathologic conditions include asthma, emphysema, and atelectasis.
Low V/Q regions contribute to hypoxemia (KNOW THIS)
Hypoxemia responsive to increasing FIO2
Regions with V/Q > 1.0 do not contribute to hypoxemia
Transport of CO2
solubility 20× oxygen
venous blood: 2.7 mL/100 mL blood
arterial blood: 2.4 mL/100 mL blood
transported : 0.3 mL/100 mL blood
7% total in the plasma (KNOW THIS)
Most CO2
Enters RBC
Joins with H2O… goes into process shown in picture
HCO3- can serve as a Ph buffer… leaves RBC into plasma
Cl- enters RBC to maintain neutrality (Cl shift)
H+ joins with Hgb to form HHgb (deoxygenated or met hemoglobin)
3 Ways CO2 Transported
Directly in Plasma = 7%
Directly to Hgb = 23%
Process to HHgb = 70%
Transport of Carbon Dioxide at Lung
Hgb has a greater affinity for O2 than H+.
So when O2 comes in it kicks the H+ off and joins to O2
The process goes in reverse than at the tissue
Regulation of Respiration “Factors”
gather information
Central controller
integrate signals
Neural Regulation of Respiration
Peripheral Chemoreceptors = Arterial Chemoreceptors (monitor O2 and CO2)
Central chemoreceptors = Medulla Oblongata
Brain Stem
Know the Fourth Ventricle
Pneumotaxic center:
limit inspiration
increase respiratory rate
modulate respiratory system
The apneustic center is a group of nerve cells in the brain that controls the depth and intensity of breathing
Vagus and Glossopharyngeal bringing information from the chemoreceptors to the brain
Respiratory motor pathways control breathing muscles
Dorsal respiratory group
Intrinsic nerve activity
Ventral respiratory group
Inactive during quiet respiration
Active respiration
Projections from the dorsal respiratory group
Lung Receptors
Stretch receptors
Located in smooth muscle of large and small airways
Minimize work of breathing by inhibiting large tidal volumes
Hering–Breuer reflex
Irritant receptors (KNOW THESE)
Nasal mucosa, upper airways, possibly alveoli
Cough, sneeze
J receptors
Located in the capillary wall, interstitium
Lung disease and edema (pulmonary congestion)
Rapid shallow breathing (tachypnea)
Other Reflexes
Arterial chemoreceptors
Hyperpnea, increased blood pressure
Arterial baroreceptors
Stimulation by elevated blood pressure results in brief apnea and bronchodilation.
Muscles and tendons
Muscles of respiration as well as skeletal muscles, joints, and tendons.
Adjust ventilation to elevated workloads.
Chemical Control of Respiration (Sensors)
Carbon dioxide
Most sensitive chemical to create respiration change
Hydrogen ions
peripheral (specifically in the Carotid Sinus)
They are “sensing” these chemicals for pass of information to regulate respiration
Chemosensitive Area of the Respiratory Center
In the brain, the result of too much CO2 ultimately means too much H+.
The high H+ in brain stimulates the chemoreceptors to stimulate the efferent motor neurons to increase breathing to blow off CO2
Peripheral Chemoreceptors
How Do Peripheral Chemoreceptors Work
Summary of Chemoreceptors
Carbon dioxide is major stimulus for increased respiration… more than O2
Acts on chemosensitive area through pH
Chemoreceptors are mainly affected by oxygen.
If PCO2 is constant low oxygen can be important.
Why is oxygen’s effect on respiration blunted?
Explain ventilatory drive during severe lung disease.
Other Factors that Influence Respiration
Voluntary control
Activity from vasomotor center
Body temperature
increased production of carbon dioxide
direct effect on respiratory center