2025 ECG Quiz 3 Flashcards
Cardiac Axis, Hypertrophy and Enlargement
Electrical Axis of the Heart
The axis is in reference to the electrical activity of the QRS complex (ventricular depolarization)
Axis: orientation of the mean electrical vector
First vector: septal depolarization
Late vectors: progression of ventricular depolarization
Mean vector: average vector of all instantaneous vectors
Mean electrical axis: direction of mean vector
Mean QRS vector: usually points left and inferiorly
Normal Axis
If the QRS complex axis lies within the shaded quadrant shown here, it is normal.
If the QRS complex is (+) in leads I and aVF, the QRS axis must be normal.
0-90+ = normal
Some cardiologists say -30 works for normal… NOT FOR US!!!
Determining Normal Axis Lead I
-90 to 90 degrees: Positive QRS complex in Lead I
Determining Normal Axis aVF
0 to 180 degrees: Positive QRS complex in lead aVF
Determining Normal Axis Lead I and aVF
If the QRS complex is positive in both leads I and aVF, the QRS axis is normal.
If the QRS complex in either lead I or aVF is not positive, the QRS axis is not normal
Defining Axis Precisely
Identify a biphasic QRS complex in a limb lead.
Look for an iso-electric biphasic wave.
Axis must be perpendicular to this lead.
Actual ECG of Normal Axis
Positive deflection in Lead I and aVF means normal axis
Abnormal Electrical Axis
Rule of thumb: the heart axis rotates towards hypertrophy and away from infarction
Direction of vector changes under various circumstances:
Rotation: the heart itself is rotated. (ex. Right ventricular overload)
Hypertrophy: axis will deviate towards the greater electrical activity. (increased electrical activity)
Infarction: Myocardial tissue is electrically dead. QRS vector turns away from this tissue.
Conduction abnormalities: influence mean electrical vector. Right Bundle Branch Block can shift it.
Right Axis Deviation
Right ventricular hypertrophy
Old lateral STEMI
Posterior fascicular block
Electrical axis is between +90 and 180 degrees
If the QRS is predominantly negative in lead I and positive in lead aVF, then the axis is deviated to the right.
Right Axis Deviation on ECG
Extreme Right Axis Deviation
Northwest Axis or Superior Axis Deviation
Left Axis Deviation
Left ventricular hypertrophy
Old inferior STEMI
Left bundle branch block (LBBB) Anterior fascicular block
Electrical axis is between -90 and 0 degrees.
If the QRS is predominantly positive in lead I and negative in lead aVF, then the axis is left and upwards.
Left Bundle Branch Block Causing Left Axis Deviation
Left Axis Deviation on ECG
Axis Summary
Axis Summary
Axis Summary