2025 ECG Midterm (Need Quizzes 1-3 to Complete Marterial) Flashcards
Arrhythmias of Sinus Origin, Supraventricular & Ventricular Arrhythmias
Detection: Event & Ambulatory Monitors
Event monitor:
* Records only 3 to 5 minutes
* Initiated by a cardiac event
* ECG recorded and stored internally
Ambulatory monitor:
* Portable ECG with memory
* Has multiple lead options
* 24-48 hours for Holter monitor
* Longer recording periods use patch
* Records and stores data for future analysis
Detection: New Technology
Apple watch
* Finger placed on crown creating a
closed circuit
* Assessment of rate and detection of
irregular heart rates such as atrial
Makes a Lead I
Detection: Arrhythmias
12 Lead ECG
* Standard 10 second time frame reading of all 12
leads in a single pages
ECG Rhythm Strips
* Long tracing printout of a single lead or multiple
select leads
* Easier to quickly identify irregularities or short
periods of sus electrical activity over long
Determining Rate
Heart rate can be determined by
measuring length of a complete cardiac
cycle.. R-R
Determining Rate: 1500 vs 300 method
Memorize this slide
Determining Rate: 10 Second method
Practice: 300 Method
300/5 = 60 BPM
Practice: 1500 Method
1500/20 = 75 BPM
Practice: 10 Second
Lead II typically, look at R waves
Bottom row, this case Lead I
300/1.5 = 200 BPM
Because variable on Lead II (bottom row), going to use 10 seconds… count number of R Waves
13 BPM
What is an arrhythmia
Arrhythmia is a heartbeat that is
irregular, too fast, or too slow
Tachycardia = > 100 bpm
Bradycardia = < 60 bpm
Clinical Presentation of an Arrhythmia
Syncopal episode
May lead to life threatening
Why Arrhythmias Happen: HIS DEBS
Ischemia & irritability
Sympathetic stimulation
Electrolyte disturbances
5 Basic Arrhythmias
Arrhythmias of sinus origin
Ectopic (impulse happening outside SA node)
Reentrant (Electrical activity is trapped in heart)
Conduction blocks (AV node, bundle of his)
Preexcitation syndromes (shortcuts or bypasses of normal pathway)
Normal Sinus Rhythm
Sinus Tachycardia
Sinus Bradycardia
Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia (RSA)
Occurs with Greater than 10% of R-R activity
RSA x Anesthesia
RSA is reversed during positive
pressure ventilation
Decreased HR during PPV
Increased HR during expiration
Can utilize to our advantage with
Valsalva maneuver
Sinus Arrest
Sinus node fails to send out electrical activity
Sinus Arrest vs Sinus Exit Block
Look into this More!!! Youtube
Latent Pacemakers
Junctional Escape Rhythm
Key is the no P Wave
Pulseless Electrical Activity (PEA)
H’s of ACLS
T’s of ACLS
First Check R-R Intervals
Regular vs Irregular
300/5 = 60 BPM
P wave followed by QRS
Yes, looks good
T waves
Looks slightly abnormal
First Check R-R Intervals
Regular vs Irregular
115 BPM
P wave followed by QRS
Yes, looks good
T waves
Looks slightly abnormal
Sinus Tachycardia
First Check R-R Intervals
Regular vs Irregular
300/7.5 = 40 BPM
P wave followed by QRS
Yes, looks good
T waves
Looks slightly abnormal
Sinus Brady
Sinus Arrest to Asystole
Sinus Arrest/Sinus Exit Block followed by Junctional Escape Rhythm
4 Questions to Ask to Determine
Questions 1 & 2 help us make the distinction of whether the arrhythmia is atrial or
ventricular in origin
First question: Are normal P waves present?
* P wave is positive in lead II and negative in lead aVR = atrial in origin
* No P wave = origin is below the atria
* P wave with abnormal axis
* Origin from atrial foci other than SA node
* Retrograde activation from AV node or ventricles
Second Question: Are QRS complexes narrow (< 0.12 seconds) or wide (> 0.12 seconds)?
* Narrow means normal depolarization path
* Wide usually means ventricular origin, but not conduction system
Third Question: What is the relationship between the P waves and QRS complex?
* 1:1 ratio means sinus or atrial origin
* No correlation means atria and ventricles contracting independently of each other
* AV dissociation
Fourth Question
Regular or Irregular
Ectopic Rhythms
Physiology of Non-Sinus Arrhythmias
Reentrant Rhythms
Premature Atrial Contractions
Premature Junctional Contractions