(2024 Exam) USN Diving Umbilicals Flashcards
Ch 3 and 5
What is the max life of Rubber breathing has hose and synthetic umbilicals?
12 years for RubberSynthetic umbilical assemblies do NOT have a maximum lifetime limit.
Proof test is conducted at a minimum of _____% the system maximum operating pressure? Operating pressure for breathing air is _____?
300 psi
Pressure the hose to twice the WP of the system OR 750psi (whichever is less) and hold the pressure for a minimum of ____?
If pressure is greater than 500psi, reduce the pressure to 500psi, lift hose assembly until the ___ lb dead weight is approximately ___ to ___” off the ground and hold for ___?
200 lb weight4” to 6” :10
If the marks have “creeped” more than ___” during the course of testing, the hose is unacceptable?
Pneumofathometer Hoses are tested at ___ psi for ___min?
200psi for :10
D-rings are tested at ___ lbs for ___mins?
500lbs for :10
What MIP are umbilicals covered under?
MIP 5921/039
When installing fittings into hoses, what lubricant is authorized to be used?
Clean Fresh Water.
When installing a barbed fitting onto the end of the umbilical, leave a ____ +/- ____” gap?
0.06” +/- 0.03”
What do you pressurize hot water hoses to for a pressure test?
Pressurize the hose to 100psi or twice the working pressure (whichever is less), hold for :10.
When seizing cable to the D-rings, ____ “ _____ must be used?
3/16” nylon cord.