(2024 Exam) Dive Man Chamber Sup Flashcards
What is TT5 used for? #6
*Type 1 DCS
*Asymtomatic omitted “D”
*Tx of resolved Sx following in-water recompression
*Follow-up Tx for residual Sx
*Carbon Monoxide poisoning
*Gas Gangrene
Time at depth on a TT4?
Between 30-120 minutes based on Px response.
Minimum of how many periods at 60fsw on TT4?
Four O2 periods
After that, O2 breathing periods should be administered to suit the Px individual needs and operational conditions.
TT4 cont. Both Px and tender must breathe O2 for at least ___ HRs, beginning no later than ___ hrs before ascent from 30feet is begun?
Four hrs Two hrs
These O2 breathing periods may be divided up as convenient, but at least 2 hrs worth of O2 breathing periods should be completed at 30 feet.
What is TT7 used for?
It is a heroic measure for treating non-responding severe gas embolism or life-threatening Decompression sickness.
Is NOT used for: residual Sx that do not improve at 60 ft or to Tx residual pain.
Should be used only when loss of life may result if the currently prescribed Decompression from 60ft is taken.
When using a TT7, a minimum of ___hrs should be spent at 60ft.
What is needed for stays longer than 18hrs at 60ft on TT7?
Solid evidence of continued benefit should be established.
Tender Sur interval between consecutive TT1A,2A,3,5,6,6A?
- However, if necessary tenders may repeat treatment tables 5,6 or 6A within this 18 hour service interval if oxygen is breathed at 30ft and shallower as outlined in table 17-7.
- Minimum SI’s for TT 1A, 2A, 3, 4, 7 and 8 shall be strictly observed
Tender SI for consecutive TT4,7,8?
48 hrs
Suitable PPO2 ranges for treatment gases?
1.5 to 3.0ata at treatment depth
SI for tender before diving following TT5,6,6A,1A,2A or 3?
18hrs before No “D” diving
24hrs before “D” dives
Post Tx consideration for PX following TT5?
Remain a TX facility for 2hrs
Post Tx consideration for Px following Tx of Type 2 DCS or who required a TT6 and have complete relief of Sx?
Must remain at the Tx facility for 6hrs
- Px treated on TT6, 6A, 4, 7, 8 or 9 are likely to require a period of hospitalization, and the UMO will need to determine a post-treatment observation period.
The Px-treatment observation period may be shortened if:
Upon UMO recommendation, provided the Px is with personnel experienced at recognizing recurrence of Sx and can return to the Tx facility w/in :30.
All Px should remain w/in ___ min of travel time of a recompression facility for ___hrs and should be accompanied throughout that period.
*No Px should be released until authorized by a UMO
Tenders should remain at the Tx facility for ___hr following Tx? Also, following a TT4, 7, 8 they should?
1hr following Tx
Following TT4, 7, 8 they should remain w/in :60 of a Tx facility for a 24hr period
Flying after Tx for Px and tenders?
Px recovered from DCS or AGE should not fly for 72hrs after Tx, at a minimum.
Tenders should have a 24hr SI before flying except for TT4,7,8 where it should be 72hrs.
Death during Treatment Abort procedures for following initial recompression to 60, 165, 225 on TT 6, 6A, 4 or 8?
Decompress on Air/O2 tables using deepest depth and BT equal to or greater than the total time elapsed since Tx began.
- The Air/O2 schedules can be used even if gases other than air were used.
If death occurs after leaving initial depth on TT6, 6A?
Decompress Tenders to 30 at 30fpm. Have tenders breathe O2 for time indicated on table 17-7.
Then decompress from 30ft to Sur at 1fpm
If death occurs after leaving initial depth on TT4, 8 or beginning treatment on TT7 at 60ft?
Continue on TT as written, or consult NEDU.
Impending natural disaster or mechanical failure, If time is not available?
- If deeper than 60ft, go to 60ft
- Go on O2 (all occupants) select air/o2 schedule from Decompression table using deepest and BT
- Breathe sum of stops 60ft and deeper at 60ft ( breathe O2 continuously)
- If shallower than 60ft at time of disaster, just breathe the sum of all stops deeper than current depth at that depth.
- then continue Decompression breathing O2 continuously
- when no more time is available, bring all occupants to Sur (trying not to exceed 10fpm) Keep all occupants on 100% O2 during evacuation, if possible.
- immediately evacuate to recompression facility and treat accordingly to fig 17-1(Up top 👆🏻)
100% O2 can generally be tolerated for up to ___ hrs before Pulmonary O2 tox starts to become an issue?
Immersion diuresis causes divers to loose ____to _____cc of fluids per hour.
TT6 extensions? How many and for what amount of time?
Two :25 periods at 60 (:20-O2 / :05-air)
Two :75 periods at 30 (:60-O2 / :15-air)
How long are dive logs required to be held?
3 years
Hypoxia, onset of hypoxic SX, point of helplessness, unconscious levels?
A drop below 0.16ata will cause onset of hypoxic Symptoms.
Helplessness @ 0.11ata
Unconscious @ 0.10ata
Symptoms of Hypoxia?
Inability to perform delicate or skilled task
Loss of judgement
Lack of concentration
Loss of consciousness
Lack of muscle control
Hypercapnia symptoms?
Increased breathing rate
Shortness of breath (Dyspnea)
Confusion or feeling of euphoria
Inability to concentrate
Increased sweating
Loss of consciousness
Symptoms of Mediastinal and Subcutaneous emphysema?
In more severe cases, diver may experience
* Mild to moderate pain under breastbone, often described as a dull ache or feeling of tightness. Pain may radiate to the shoulder or back and may increase upon deep inspiration, coughing, or swallowing.
* Voice may change in pitch.
* Swelling or inflation of divers neck
* Movement of the skin near windpipe or about the collar bone may produce a cracking or crunching sound (Crepitation)
Tx of mediastinal or subcutaneous emphysema?
*100% O2 on Sur
*If Sx are severe, shallow recompression may be beneficial
*Tx should only be carried out with the recommendation of the UMO after ruling out Pneumothorax.
* 100% O2 at lowest depth of relief. 1hr should be sufficient, but longer stays may be necessary
Symptoms of Pneumothorax?
Sudden, sharp chest pain, followed by shortness of breath, labored breathing, rapid heart rate, weak pulse and anxiety.
Tx of Pneumothorax?
Small- will reabsorb spontaneously
Mild- 100% O2, may require insertion of a chest tube.
If Px is recompressed for Tx of DCS/AGE will get relief on descent. A chest tube with a relief valve may need to be inserted a depth.
What makes up a TT9?
Three :30 O2 periods with :05 air breaks in-between @ 45ft.
20ft-min descent & ascent
Tender breathing consideration for TT9?
Tender breaths O2 for the last :15 @ 45 and during ascent.
What is the descent rates for Tx, Sur “D”, and pressure candidate test (Dive candidate & Aviation)?
Tx- 20 fpm
Sur D’s- NTE 100fpm
Pressure candidate (Diver)-NTE 75fpm
Aviation- 10fpm. UMO may alter but cannot exceed 75fpm.
Procedure for resuscitation of an pulseless diver?
- Make management decision considering all know factors
- Immediate CPR & AED applied.
- ACLS is a higher priority over recompression.
- Transport to highest level of care possible while pulseless.
- If Px regains vital signs, transport to nearest critical care facility.