2021-May-daily exam Flashcards
Hasn’t the missing storage room key been found yet?
Hasn’t … been +過去分詞 ?(…は~されていないのか)という現在完了形の否定疑問文。(毎日模試5/1)
Does the performance start at seven o’clock?
Do you know if Ms. Tucker will be chairing the committee?
September 12, Inaville—Arrowpoint Technologies today named Kelly O’Brien as its new chief executive officer.
9 月12 日、イナヴィル―アローポイントテクノロジーズ社は今日、新しいCEO(最高経営責任者)としてケリー・オブライエンを指名した。(毎日模試5/1)
Ms. O’Brien came to the attention of Arrowpoint’s board members by overseeing a campaign that revitalized HollowTech’s reputation.
The estimated was made to address Arrowpoint’s most pressing need, which is to increase public awareness of its services.
Kelly O’Brien will assume her new duties starting from January 1 of next year.
A prominent voice among clean-energy advocates, Mr. Quinn is frequently asked to speak at industry events as well as on college campuses, both domestically and abroad.
“It is not a matter of whether it will happen; it is a matter of when. To protect the world for future generations, I believe we should start making this transition right away.”
An outline of various conservation projects slated to take place in the Miami area this winter
この冬にマイアミ地域で開催される予定のさまざまな保全活動の概要 (毎日模試5/1)
North Lake Community College cordially invites Paulo Limited to take part in the NLCC Job Fair.
There are no fees involved and booths will be provided. A list of companies planning to be at the event will be published in the Sunday, May 5 edition of the Tahoe Tribune. To be included, companies must reply to confirm their participation by letter or e-mail (p.riksan@nlcc.edu) by May 1.
We had not initially planned to participate, as we were not seeking employees when we received your letter.
Two of my departmental colleagues will be joining me in stafing the Paulo Limited booth at the fair. Kindly forward any additional details that we may require concerning the event.
While mostly US companies with branches in California or the neighboring state of Nevada participated in the fair, many non-regional organizations were represented as well.
A survey carried out at the conclusion of the event indicated that approximately three quarters of attendees were invited to at least one interview. Company recruiters also confirmed that over thirty attendees received job offers at the event.
Jefferson International Airport used to be among the busiest in the region, serving more than 1,500 passengers per hour.
ジェファーソン国際空港は、1 時間に1,500 人以上の乗客が利用し、かつて地域で最も乗客数の多い空港のひとつだった。(毎日模試5/3)
The agency specializes in helping companies build brand awareness through social media.
Now that I have had the opportunity to meet you and review your qualifications in detail, I have concluded that we need someone with more experience.
Pizzazz products will be the first offerings from S&J made entirely with recycled polyester. Moreover, a portion of the proceeds from sales will be used to support research into eco-fashion and sustainable fabrics.
Pizzazz の製品は、S&J 社にとって初の100% 再生ポリエステルで作られるアイテムとなる。また、販売によって得られる収益の一部は、エコファッションやサステナブルな(環境に優しい)生地の研究支援に活用される。
“We also want to meet expectations when it comes to style and appearance.” Judging by the sample garments the company has released so far, it has achieved its goal.
Due to the unusually large size of the order Ms. Chamberlain wishes to place, both of the print shops have offered her a bulk discount.
Ms. Chamberlainが希望している発注数量は非常に多い為、両方の印刷業者がバルクディスカウントを提示している。
The board members of Lona Technologies are certain that the new process will increase the company’s profits.
Lona Technologiesの取締役陣は新たなプロセスにより会社の収益が増加すると確信している。
The president continued to be an influential public figure, even as his term in office had come to an end.
What is interesting about the novel is how the lives of the characters, who are initially strangers, become intertwined.
Provided that the trains are running on schedule, Mr. Banks will arrive in Newburg City by 4 P.M.
電車が時間通りに運行しているのならば、Mr. BanksはNewburg City に4 P.M.に到着するだろう
The memo asks all employees reserving conference rooms to get approval from their departmental supervisors.
With fuel prices at record highs, visitors to auto dealerships were not even looking at SUVs, much less buying them.
The president’s passionate speech, currently posted at www.nationalpolitico. com, reportedly was written by one of his daughters.
Before expressing his frank opinions, Mr. Hashimoto told the committee members to pardon his rudeness.
Mr. Hashimotoは率直な意見を話す前に、委員会のメンバーたちに無礼があることを多めに見るように申し出た。
We are pretty new to providing services through online chat, but an acquaintance of mine at Harp Computers, Tom Bell, has been doing it for years. He has agreed to present, but he is only available on Fridays.
Make sure to include the instruction manual and original packaging.
We issue refunds to the payment method used at the time of purchase. You may also request an exchange for a similar product.
Some canopies are set up on a beach.
Could you tell me how often I have to submit project updates?
Didn’t the clients accept our offer?
I wanted to ask if you could pay us a visit on Wednesday this week.
Mr. Reece took a number of factors into consideration when determining the ideal location for his business.
A lack of affordable accommodation has really held us back.