20180709 Flashcards
(미 구어) =common-or-garden
panic attack
패닉 발작
주다, 가하다
- He was brought into the ER with a self-inflicted gunshot wound.
self-inflicted [sèlfinflíktid]
스스로 자기에게 가한, 자초(自招)한
anatomy [ənǽtəmi]
해부학, 해부, 구조
creepy [kríːpi]
오싹한, 소름끼치는, 기어다니는
- That’s creepy.
~을 파괴하다.
- At least this way when I blow my eyeballs out I’ll have some money left for my family.
- blow one’s brains out / (총으로) 머리를 쏘아 관통하다
blow [blou]
타격, 불다, 울리다
buried [bérid]
묻힌, 매장된
- buried in that clunky UI of yours
clunky [klʌŋki]
투박한, 큰, 엉터리, 거추장
tingle [tíŋgl]
따끔거리다, 욱신거리다
- My hands are tingling.
era [íərə, érə]
시대, 시대, 방어율
- For the first time, we are living in an era where we can be in charge and build empires.
literal [lítərəl]
글자 그대로의, 문자의
- Not a literal hole like you would find in some babies with congenital diseases, but a metaphorical hole.
metaphorical [mètəfɔ́ːrikəl]
은유적인, 비유적인, 은유의
beneficence [bənéfəsəns]
선행, 은혜
doing good
You been working out?
너 운동했니?