20180611 Flashcards
reconnaissance [rikάnəsəns]
답사, 정찰
- reconnaissance satellite / 정찰 위성
- reconnaissance patrol / 정찰대
- reconnaissance car / 정찰기
alleviate [əlíːvièit]
경감하다, 완화하다
- alleviate stress / 스트레스를 완화하다
- alleviate poverty / 빈곤을 완화하다
- alleviate distress / 고통을 완화시키다
espionage [éspiənὰːʒ]
스파이 행위, 첩보 활동
- conduct espionage / 스파이 활동을 하다
- industrial espionage / 산업 스파이 행위
- corporate espionage / 기업 스파이 행위
If you espouse a policy or plan, you support it.
지지하다, 선봉하다
- espouse an ideology / 이데올로기를 지지하다
- espouse a philosophy / 철학을 갖다
- espouse a person’s quarrel / 남의 싸움에 편들다
Someone or something that is pitiful is so sad, weak, or small that you feel pity for them.
- It was the most pitiful sight I had ever seen.
불쌍한, 비참한
- pitiful sight / 애처로운 광경
- pitiful excuse / 비열한 변명
조심하는, 신중한
- wary look / 경계하는 눈초리
- wary of / ~을 주의하는
- wary answers / 신중한 대답
If something or someone is obscure, they are unknown, or are known by only a few people.
- The origin of the custom is obscure.
불분명한, 무명의
Someone who is prudent is sensible and careful.
- It is always prudent to start a fitness programme slowly.
신중한, 분별있는
- prudent custodian / 선량한 관계자
- prudent remark / 신중한 의견
- be prudent with one’s money / 돈에 알뜰하다
If you reassess a situation, you think about it and decide whether you need to change your opinion about it.
A trooper is a soldier of low rank in the calvary or in an armored regiment in the army.
기병, 주경찰관
말을 타고 싸우는 병사
regiment [rédʒəmənt]
A regiment is a large group of soldiers commanded by a colonel.
A seal is an animal which eats fish and lives partly on land and partly in the sea. It has short fur and uses short limbs, called flippers, to enable it swim.
An iceberg is a large, tall piece of ice floating in the sea.
If you repay a favor that someone did for you, you do something or give them something in return.
- It was very kind. I don’t know how I can ever repay you.
- Good deeds repaid
Samaritans [səmǽrətn]
착한 사마리아 사람(good Samaritan); (종종 samaritan) 곤경에 빠져 있는 사람의 진정한 친구.
- These five Samaritans found their selflessness answered in ways they never could have imagined.