2013-2017 Pt. 1 Flashcards
Bolton point is associated with what anatomic landmark?
Occipital Condyle
What cell does not come from neural crest cells?
What craniofacial syndrome is associated with mental retardation
Aperts Syndrome
1 ppm of fluoride reduces caries by what percent?
What is the concentration of fluoride in mouthrinse
What syndrome results from failure of neural crest cell migration resulting in micrognathia
Treacher Collins
What craniofacial anomaly involves skeletal, neuromuscular and soft tissue components of the first and second branchial arches
Hemifacial Microsomia
**Key: 1st and 2nd branchial arches
What structure limits expansion of the SARPE
Coronoid Process (Zygomatic buttress was not an option)
What is associated with wormian bones in the cranium?
Cleidocranial dysplasia Acronym: PORKCHOPS P: pyknodysostosis O: Osteogenesis Imperfect R: Rickets K: Kinky hair syndrome C: Cleidocranial dysostosis H: Hypothyroidism/hypophosphatasia O: Otopalatodigital syndrome P: Primary acroosteolysis... S: Syndrome of Downs
What does the frontonasal process not contribute to?
Maxillary process
What do you use for the occlusal plane in Wits analysis
Functional occlusal plane
Parotid only contributes what percentage of saliva?
Which Class II functional appliance proclines incisors more: Herbst or MARA
Which commonly causes non working side interferences
Lingual inclines of mandibular buccal cusps (maxillary lingual cusps were not an option)
T/F, Women have more TMD than men
Why do you have more bone loss in active perio disease?
Decreased osteoblasts due to inflammation
Is missing teeth more common in males or females?
What is the direction of force and amount of force per side for facemask
15-10 degree down
Want 800g of force or 400 g/side
U2 width is what percent of U1 width?
60 or 75
Which is not a risk factor for TMD?
Condyles should be in what position for stability?
Supero-anterior (if not there, most superior is option)
Lip bumper gains in arch perimeter are primarily due to what?
proclination of incisors
What is most highly correlated with root resorption?
History of previous root resorption
T/F, Self-tapping implants have better success than self-drilling
What wire is least effective in producing torque
Martensite NiTi (this is classic NiTi)
Describe the force and direction of Protraction facemask
400g per side
Below occlusal plane
List the teeth in order of permanent tooth agenesis
3rd molars > L5’s > U2’s > U5’s
Female much more often than male
According to Bjork’s study on mandibular rotation, what doesn’t happen during average person during growth?
Condyle grows up and forward
Deposition of bone on inferior surface of ramus
**Need to confirm
According to Moss, what matrix provides translatory growth?
Capsular matrix
How long do corticotomy effects last?
4 months (may take 6 to 24 months to subside)
If you double the diameter of SS wire, how does the strength increase?
increases 8x
In what percent of children with bilateral condylectomy can you expect normal mandibular growth?
Pt. has a 2 mm anterior slide, what is the best way to finish
Class II elastics
Class II Div 2 typically has all of the follow except?
Narrow maxillary arch
Who was the first president of the ABO
ABO Cast-Radiograph examination doesn’t evaluate what?
When you can’t use heat sterilization, what should you use?
Hydrogen Peroxide vapor
Where does apposition not occur on the maxilla?
There were not choices for superior and anterior
Why does a CBCT with a small voxel size require higher radiation exposure
Small voxels need a greater number of photons so it can produces a higher quality image
Secondary palate closes at what time?
8-12 weeks
T/F, Dentinogenesis imperfecta is autosomal dominant and affects 1/8000 of population. It only affects permanent dentition
True False (it does affect primary teeth)
Which muscles are involved in frowning
- Platysma
- Orbicularis oculi
- Corrugator supercilii
- Procerus
- Orbicularis oris
- Mentalis
- Depressor anguli oris
Which muscles are involved in smiling?
- Zygomaticus major
- Orbicularis oculi
- Levator labii superioris
- Levator anguli oris
- Risorius
- Zygomaticus minor
What muscle forms the floor of the mouth
RPE expands all sutures except:
Percent of retrognathic mandible in class 2 population
1) Bisphosphonate decreases rate of tooth movement and relapse
2) Bisphosphonate will accumulate in hydroxyapatite
Neural Crest cell migration abnormal development that effects pharyngeal arch 1, 2 and effects both maxilla and mandible
Treacher Collins
Muscle that holds disc-condyle normal relationship
Superior lateral pterygoid
What is optimal inclination of incisors relative to occlusal plane when doing anterior teeth bridge
What characteristic is not found in Class 2 Div 2
Narrow palate
Where is CPR performed in children
lower 1/2 of sternum
What is the CPR rate in children
100 times/min
The main etiologies of TMD except:
Head position
What is the origin of pain when a patient identifies pain from right TMJ to right masseter and go across the midline to left border of mandible
Psychogenic origin
If you have equipment sensitive to heat, what do you use?
Vapored Hydrogen Peroxide
When A-NiTi changes to M-NiTi with small stress and large deflection, what is it called?
Phase transformation
What is the most effective to correct skeletal open bite
Posterior maxillary impaction
Increase TAD stability how?
TAD diameter & Bone quality
OR (not sure..)
Bone quality & Bone density
Which bone contributes to growth of the orbit
What cell does not derive from neural crest cell
Bolton ratio is not associated with what?
Transverse problems
What does not increase during tooth movement
Intake of 1 ppm fluoride will prevent what % of caries incidence
If folic acid is intaken during pregnancy, it will reduce what percentage of babies with cleft lip/palate