200-17 Travel Authorization and Reimbursement Procedures Flashcards
The City of Houston and the Houston Police Department have well-defined travel, payment, and reimbursement policies and procedures that provide administrative and financial controls. This provides complete and timely…
payments, reimbursements, and advances for travel and travel-related expenses.
The following criteria shall be used for approval or disapproval of travel and training requests:
Requests should be related to the employee’s job responsibilities. Upon approval, the requesting employee shall be carried on ____.
The department shall pay all eligible expenses. If the funding is not available, the employee shall be extended the option of attending the training on City Business; however, the employee shall be responsible for ____
1) City Business
2) a portion or all of the expenses.
The following criteria shall be used for approval or disapproval of travel and training requests:
Attendance at most training seminars should be limited to ____ employee. Exceptions may be granted on a case-by-case basis.
The following criteria shall be used for approval or disapproval of travel and training requests:
Before approval of a request, the employee’s division shall ensure similar training is not ____. The division shall also explore the feasibility, benefit, and cost effectiveness of the requested training being hosted by the Training Division.
Requests that do not relate to the employee’s current job responsibilities but do promote overall professional development, may be permitted in accordance with the following provisions:
- The employee may be carried on City Business if staffing levels permit the employee’s absence.
- Expenses shall ____.
1) currently being offered through the department’s Training Division or the City of Houston Human Resources Department
2) be the responsibility of the requesting employee
The following criteria shall be used for approval or disapproval of travel and training requests:
Command Staff members shall determine, based on budget allocation, the number of attendees to major conferences or conventions such as those of IACP, NOBLE, and HAPCOA. Each command shall be assigned a set number of allowed attendees. Attendance shall be based on ____.
Requests over the budget allocation shall be authorized if ____
1) staffing levels and the function of each command
2) division staffing levels permit and the employee pays expenses.
The following criteria shall be used for approval or disapproval of travel and training requests:
Employees volunteering to attend training seminars or conferences shall not receive overtime pay unless ____. Travel and training overtime requests shall be for compensatory time only.
the Chief of Police gives prior approval
The following criteria shall be used for approval or disapproval of travel and training requests:
Requests for travel or training on City holidays shall be discouraged because of additional expenses. Whenever possible, the travel or training shall be scheduled for another time. The employee’s division may make an exception if…
it is determined the benefit is greater than the extra expense
(Approval of Nonemergency Travel)
A Travel Authorization to Conduct City Business form (Appendix B) · shall be prepared and printed on ____paper for all travel or training requests. All lines through line ____ shall be completed on Appendix B. The requesting employee shall sign and date the form, indicating he has read and understands the most current version of City of Houston Administrative Procedure ___
1) blue
2) 7
3) 2-5 Revised (A.P. 2-5).
(Approval of Nonemergency Travel)
All travel or training requests require approval through the chain of command through the level of ____.
Travel or training requests for Command Staff members require approval from the Chief of Police or designee.
Approval shall indicate funds are available and estimates are reasonable. Certification that funds are available in the travel or training accounts and that the correct account codes are being assigned should be verified at ____ level.
1) assistant chief or equivalent
2) the command
(Approval of Nonemergency Travel)
No funding shall be reimbursed or advanced without the signatures of the concerned division commander and assistant chief, and the director of the HPD Office of Budget and Finance on the ____.
blue original Appendix B
(Approval of Nonemergency Travel)
If the purchase of airfare is reduced by staying overnight on a Saturday, a ____ worksheet shall be attached showing that the overall cost to the City shall be less with the extended stay than without it.
cost justification
(Approval of Nonemergency Travel)
Travel or training requests not requiring advances, prepayment of fees, and airline travel should be approved prior to departure. Travel or training requests requiring advance payment of registration fees or tuition shall be submitted with the original, completed registration form and the approved, blue original Appendix Bat least ____business days prior to the required date.
(Approval of Emergency Travel)
Travel on an emergency basis should be limited to…
criminal investigations, prisoner transfers, or providing testimony or evidence in a case when time is critical.
(Approval of Emergency Travel)
Only the ____ of the requesting employee may authorize emergency travel.
Only the ____ may approve emergency travel requests from Command Staff members. This shall be on a
case-by-case basis. Expenses shall be reimbursed in accordance with the applicable sections of this General Order.
1) assistant chief
2) Chief of Police or designee
(Approval of Emergency Travel)
Petty cash advances for emergency travel may be provided when the travel relates to:
Retrieval of a suspect or obtaining evidence critical to ____.
Providing testimony or evidence in a case when ____.
Upon receipt of the signed and approved blue, original Appendix B, the Office of Budget and
Finance shall advance the funds for the emergency travel from ____.
1) an investigation
2) time is critical
3) the Petty Cash Fund
(Travel Advances)
Travel requests requiring cash advances shall be submitted to the Office of Budget and Finance with the approved, blue original Appendix B and Request for Travel Advance (Appendix C) at least business _____ days in advance of the date of departure.
(Employees not meeting this time requirement may not receive their advance prior to departure. No advances shall be distributed after departure.)
(Travel Advances)
Cash advances shall be made for only ____ expenses
meal, hotel, and ground transportation
(Travel Advances)
Within ____ calendar days following the conclusion of the travel, the concerned employee shall
complete all required Travel Expenses Summary Report & Log forms (Appendix D) and submit
them through the chain of command (assistant chief level) to the ____.
If this is not done within the stated time frame, the department’s ____ shall authorize the City to deduct the entire amount of any cash advance from the employee’s paycheck in the immediate future. See AP. 2-5 for further information.
1) ten
2) Office of Budget and Finance
3) accounts payable coordinator
(Travel Advances)
A travel cash advance may be denied if an employee:
Requests the advance less than ____business days before the advance is needed.
(Travel Advances)
A travel cash advance may be denied if an employee:
Has not submitted an ____ form for previously completed travel.
Appendix D
(Travel Advances)
A travel cash advance may be denied if an employee:
Has not reimbursed the City for a travel advance that exceeded…
the actual cost of previously completed travel.
(Travel Advances)
A travel cash advance may be denied if an employee:
Requests less than $____for the travel advance
(Travel Advances)
A travel cash advance may be denied if an employee:
Consistently submits an Appendix D form late (more than ____calendar days after travel is completed).
(Cancelled Travel)
If travel is cancelled, the employee shall reimburse the City for any cash advance by submitting a personal check or money order in the amount of the cash advance within ____calendar days after becoming aware that the trip has been cancelled.
(Cancelled Travel)
If mitigating circumstances arise, the approving authority may substitute another employee. The originally scheduled employee is still responsible for reimbursement of any cash advance he received. Failure on the part of the employee to reimburse the City within ten calendar days shall activate…
payroll deduction procedures
(Travel Expenses Summary and Reimbursements)
Within ____ calendar days following the conclusion of all travel approved to utilize City funds (excluding time listed as City Business), the concerned employee shall complete all required Appendix D forms and submit them through the chain of command (assistant chief level) to the ____.
1) ten
2) Office of Budget and Finance
(Travel Expenses Summary and Reimbursements)
The employee shall list on Appendix D all expenditures for the travel including…
reimbursable expenditures and prepaid expenditures as well as any travel advances
(Travel Expenses Summary and Reimbursements)
Any Purchasing Card (P-Card) expenditures shall be itemized on the Detail of Expenses form in ____.
Appendix D
(Travel Expenses Summary and Reimbursements)
All original receipts (except as noted later in this section) shall be securely attached or enclosed in…
an envelope
(Travel Expenses Summary and Reimbursements)
The division’s and command’s approval shall
be indicated on the appropriate line on Appendix D and the forms forwarded to the ____ for verification and processing.
Office of Budget and Finance
(Travel Expenses Summary and Reimbursements)
To expedite reimbursements, care should be exercised to ensure that figures entered on an ____ have been added accurately and receipts match the amounts shown on the report.
(Variances should be explained or reimbursements may be delayed.)
Appendix D
Reimbursable travel expenses shall be listed on an Appendix D. Reimbursable travel expenses
include all of the following:
For out-of-town travel, the City of Houston establishes an employee meal per diem amount that includes taxes and gratuities and excludes ____.
The meal per diem reimbursement rate is set by A.P. 2-5, but may be modified by the____
The reimbursement rate is determined by location. A Tier 1 reimbursement rate is established for specifically
named ____. A slightly less Tier 2 reimbursement rate is established for all other locations in the 48 contiguous United States.
The approving authority shall prorate the meal per diem amounts for the day of departure and the day of return according to A.P. 2-5. Receipts are not submitted for the meal per diem. However, if meals are charged on a ____, original receipts shall be submitted with Appendix D.
1) alcoholic beverages
2) director of the City of Houston Administration and Regulatory Affairs (ARA) Department
3) metropolitan areas
4) P-Card
Reimbursable travel expenses shall be listed on an Appendix D. Reimbursable travel expenses
include all of the following:
Reimbursement for private vehicle use shall be made at the approved City rate with an approved mileage log. Mileage cost should not exceed the cost of a ____ unless it is necessary to travel by vehicle
because of the need to carry equipment and supplies.
fourteen-day advance purchase round-trip coach airfare
Reimbursable travel expenses shall be listed on an Appendix D. Reimbursable travel expenses
include all of the following:
Tips for taxi cab drivers, baggage handlers, doormen, etc. are reimbursable expenses. They must be reasonable amounts and documented by an attached log. Tips to ____are not reimbursable expenses.
hotel or motel custodial personnel
Reimbursable travel expenses shall be listed on an Appendix D. Reimbursable travel expenses
include all of the following:
Taxi and limousine expenses.
These expenses shall be reimbursed only if documented by a log listing ____.
Trips in excess of ____ must have a receipt.
1) dates, origination and destination points, and cost per trip
2) twenty dollars
All items listed under the below subsection, “Required Original Receipts.”:
a. Registration fees
b. Air travel
c. Gasoline
d. Car rental
e. Parking
f. Lodging
g. Purchasing Card expenditures
h. Telephone calls and other business communication
(Required Original Receipts)
Reimbursable travel expenses that require employees to obtain and submit original receipts with an Appendix D include the following:
Registration fees.
Original receipts are required if the employee paid the____
registration fees
(Required Original Receipts)
Reimbursable travel expenses that require employees to obtain and submit original receipts with an Appendix D include the following:
Air Travel.
Tickets (coach section flight coupon) purchased by the employee shall not be reimbursed until ____.
The employee shall include the cancelled ticket stub (e.g., passenger receipt or boarding pass). For ticketless travel, an equivalent, approved document shall be submitted with ____.
1) after travel has been completed
2) Appendix D
(Required Original Receipts)
Reimbursable travel expenses that require employees to obtain and submit original receipts with an Appendix D include the following:
Employees shall include gasoline receipts when a…
City or rental vehicle is used.
(Required Original Receipts)
Reimbursable travel expenses that require employees to obtain and submit original receipts with an Appendix D include the following:
Car rental.
The cost must be less than ____ and the request should be made on the original Appendix B form. No luxury or recreational type vehicles shall be leased unless justification is provided and approved in advance by the assistant chief of the requesting employee.
use of a taxi or other ground transportation
(Required Original Receipts)
Reimbursable travel expenses that require employees to obtain and submit original receipts with an Appendix D include the following:
A receipt or, if a parking receipt is not available (i.e., unattended parking lots), a log identifying the ____ (if available) must be submitted with the expense report to receive reimbursement for parking.
When parking at a parking meter, the employee shall log the time, general location, and amount paid to the meter.
name and location of the parking lot and the telephone number of the parking lot company
(Required Original Receipts)
Reimbursable travel expenses that require employees to obtain and submit original receipts with an Appendix D include the following:
Itemized lodging receipts must specifically indicate the ____rate is being charged. Credit card charge receipts are not acceptable.
(Required Original Receipts)
Reimbursable travel expenses that require employees to obtain and submit original receipts with an Appendix D include the following:
Purchasing Card expenditures.
P-Card purchases require____
original receipts
Required Original Receipts)
Reimbursable travel expenses that require employees to obtain and submit original receipts with an Appendix D include the following:
Telephone calls and other business communication.
Expenses for telephone, overnight mail, Internet usage, and fax for City business are reimbursable, but must…
be listed on the Appendix D and must be supported by an itemized bill or receipt.
Travel and training expenses shall be charged to the correct travel or training account. Transfers from the command or division accounts shall be required if…
funds in the division account are not available at the time of the request.
Questions regarding the use of Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education (LEOSE)
funds for travel or training shall be directed to either the ____ or the ____.
1) Office of Budget and Finance
2) chair of the HPD committee on LEOSE Funds
Questions regarding travel outside the United States shall be directed to the ____. Such travel may require additional approval.
Office of Budget and Finance