200-07 Grants Administration Flashcards
The Houston Police Department shall apply for funds from external sources to…
enhance law enforcement and community service efforts.
Only ____ or ____ may apply for, accept, decline, modify, or cancel a grant application.
the Mayor of the City of Houston
the Chief of Police
Also, the ____ is the final authority on any action taken to satisfy grant application and receipt requirements.
the Chief of Police
Division Grant Coordinator:
A person appointed by a division commander to be responsible for the administrative and fiscal activities associated with grants and grant applications at the division level.
Grants Manager:
The person responsible for the development, review, submission, and oversight of grant operations. This person is also responsible for monitoring all grant related activities to ensure compliance with applicable laws and guidelines established by the funding agency.
All grants accepted by the department shall be administered by
authorized employees as outlined in this General Order. (200-07)
All divisions using or applying for grant funds shall designate a____. This person shall confer with____prior to completion of all grant applications.
1) division grant coordinator
2) the Office of Budget and Finance, Grants Section
Division grant coordinators shall complete ____ and ____ and forward all documentation to the ____ for futher processing.
(This includes,but is not limited to, all documentation developed for the purchase of equipment or supplies or the acquisition of professionalservices.)
1) grant related administrative and fiscal activities
2) the Office of Budget and Finance, Grants Section
Division commanders are responsible for all …
initial program planning, proposal development, program start-up activities, day-to-day
program operations, and appointment of a division grant coordinator.
Division commanders are also responsible for…
administrative maintenance including the retention of accurate and up-to-date grant related records that consist of, but are not limited to, daily time sheets, overtime sheets, and inventory listing of equipment.
Written approval must be obtained from ___ prior to records destruction.
the Office of Budget and Finance
The Office of Budget and Finance, Grants Section has oversight responsibility for all…
grants received by the department.
The designated grants manager shall monitor all
grants to ensure compliance with…
funding agency criteria and state and federal guidelines.
The ____ shall coordinate all internal and external department grant activities and serve as the primary contact with all funding agencies regarding grant related activities. This will prevent duplication of effort and ensure all grants meet the financial
and operational needs of the department.
Grants Section
Office of Budget and Finance, Grants Section
Coordination efforts (of Grants received by the department) shall included, but are not limited to:
Serving as liaison with ____ on matters relating to grants
City Council, the Office of the Mayor, and all other City
Coordination efforts (of Grants received by the department) shall included, but are not limited to:
Reviewing all documentation developed
to satisfy…
grant requests and/or guidelines.
All documentation developed for or received
from a funding agency shall be routed
through ___ for review and
filing before being submitted to the ___
1) Grants Section
(Office of Budget and Finance, Grants Section)
2) the Chief of Police
The Office of Budget and Finance is responsible for the ____of all grants received by the department.
fiscal oversight
Oversight duties (The Office of Budget and Finance ) included, but are not limited to,…
review, approval, and processing of all requests for expenditures, supplies, professional services, and budget adjustments
The Office of Budget and Finance shall
monitor all department grants to ensure
compliance with:
The federal Office of Management and
Budget policies regarding…
cost principles, and administrative and audit requirements.
The Office of Budget and Finance shall
monitor all department grants to ensure
compliance with:
____ spending plan
The Office of Budget and Finance shall
monitor all department grants to ensure
compliance with:
____ and encumbrances
Financial obligations
The Office of Budget and Finance shall
monitor all department grants to ensure
compliance with:
All____ administrative procedures and guidelines.
City of Houston
The ____ is responsible for obtaining the actual funds associated with grants.
Office of Budget and Finance
The Office of Budget
and Finance personnel shall establish the
necessary relations with other City departments and outside entities to ensure…
timely receipt of grant monies.
The Office of Budget and Finance is responsible for all ____ for grants acquired by the department
budgeting and accounting matters
That office (The Office of Budget and Finance)serve as the primary Police Department contact with ____and ____regarding all grant related accounting and budgeting matters.
1) the City of Houston Finance Department,
2) the City Controller
The Office of Budget and Finance shall provide technical assistance to____ and ____ in all financial matters. This assistance shall included ____ , ____ and any other documentation needed to acquire funding.
(This will ensure timely acquisition
of grant funds and will determine records
retention periods in conjunction with the
funding agencies’ requirements. )
1) division commanders
2) division grant coordinators
3) the preparation of purchase requisitions
4) grant financial adjustments
The Office of Budget and Finance shall verify the final
disposition of____ with the funding agencies