200-05 Employee Parking Regulations Flashcards
Dismissal Pack
A correspondence packet containing a letter addressed to the concerned assistant chief or executive assistant chief from an officer requesting dismissal of a parking citation issued to the officer
a Dismissal Pack includes
a Request for Parking Citation Dismissal Affidavit form,
an Affidavit of Department Head form,
and the pertinent parking citation.
Affidavit forms are available on the department’s Intranet Portal.
Police Headquarters Parking Zone
The metered parking spaces in the 1000 through 1400
blocks of Louisiana, Milam, Travis, Main, and Fannin, as well as the metered parking spaces in
the 600 through 1000 blocks of McKinney, Lamar, Dallas, Polk, Clay, and Bell.
For the Edward A. Thomas Building, the ____ shall be responsible for assigning parking, issuing employee parking permits, authorizing the purchase and creation of parking signage, and enforcing parking regulations.
commander of the department’s Security Operations Unit
Within the Central Police Complex (a.k.a. 61 Riesner Complex), the Central Division commander shall be responsible for
designating parking areas, issuing employee parking permits, assigning parking, authorizing the purchase and creation of parking signage, enforcing parking regulations, and issuing parking citations to or towing all illegally parked vehicles
When employees resign, retire, or are terminated, they are responsible for returning any City of Houston and/or department parking permits either to the issuing division or to
Employee Services Division as part of the established checkout process.
Under City ordinance section ____, law enforcement officers who need to park in a City
metered parking space while engaged in the performance of officially assigned duties of office
are allowed an exemption from paying the meter.
Officers who need to park in an unpaid metered space while engaged in the performance of officially assigned duties of office shall indicate their status by ____ and may park for no longer than ____
1) placing a City of Houston blue or yellow hang tag parking permit on the rearview mirror of their vehicle
2) four hours
(The vehicle shall not be parked in an unpaid metered space while the officer is working at his customary (regular assigned) office or job site. )
The blue and yellow hang tag parking permits are issued by
the City of Houston Administration and Regulatory Affairs Department, Park Houston Division
Blue hang tag parking permits illustrating the “scales of justice” are issued to officers whose primary work location is
1200 Travis
Yellow hang tag parking permits illustrating a “courtroom gavel” are issued to officers
whose primary work location is
not 1200 Travis
The “HT” number and barcode illustrated on the parking hang tag correspond to the ….
employee number of the employee to whom it is assigned
Officers displaying blue hang tag parking permits may park in unpaid metered spaces only if
they are outside the
Police Headquarters Parking Zone
Officers displaying yellow hang tag parking permits may park in unpaid metered spaces including those within the
Police Headquarters Parking Zone.
Officers shall not park in an unpaid metered space for longer than ____ per City ordinance.
four hours
A vehicle displaying a blue or yellow hang tag and parked for more than four hours in an unpaid metered space is subject to
citation and the officer may be held responsible for the citation.
At no time shall employees park any vehicle in any of the
No Parking Red Zones located near intersections or within 15 feet of a fire hydrant.
The ____ shall be responsible for the assignment and enforcement of parking in the 1200 Travis Garage and at any off-site Travis parking location
Security Operations Unit’s commander
Parking in the Travis Garage shall be as follows:
a. Levels 2 and below:
b. Levels 3 through 8:
c. Named or Reserved Parking.
a. Levels 2 and below. Parking on these levels is for City vehicles and visitors.
b. Levels 3 through 8. Parking on these levels is for employees with a Travis Garage hang tag parking permit. Floor 8 is also utilized for overflow visitor parking when spaces are available.
c. Named or Reserved Parking. Parking spaces that are labeled with a name, office, or reserved parking signage are reserved 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Employees shall not park in these spaces at any time unless it is their assigned parking space.
A division requesting permission for an employee or visitor to park in the 1200 Travis Garage
shall make that request via email to hpd.travisparkinqreguest@houstonpolice.org. All of the
following shall be included in each parking request:
(Due to the limited number of parking spaces in the Travis Garage, parking requests must be
made well in advance to ensure availability. Last minute requests may be denied depending on
space availability. )
d. The date parking is needed.
e. The approximate time for the visit (e.g., 8 a.m.-11 a.m.).
f. Name of every visitor requesting parking.
g. Name of the division requesting parking.
h. A contact person’s name and telephone number.
i. A brief description of the reason for the request.
Only employees with ____ and ____ are allowed routine parking in the 1200 Travis Garage during day shift
ID access to the garage and the appropriate department-issued hang tag
parking permit
Parking permits are not required in the garage between ____or ____
3 PM and 5 AM or on weekends or holidays (3rd - 8th floors only).
However, employees shall not park in spaces that are labeled with a name, office, or reserved parking signage unless
it is their assigned parking space
Employees who are authorized to park in the 1200 Travis Garage are restricted to ____ parking space. Only ____ vehicle at a time per employee shall be allowed to park in the garage.
Visitors to 1200 Travis (including HPD employees either without or unable to present ID access to park in the Travis Garage) shall enter the garage from Polk Street and obtain a visitor sticker from the ____. Private vehicles shall be parked in only the areas for which they are authorized.
Security Operations Unit
Only ____ may be left parked in the areas posted for “Marked” or “Police” vehicles on either side of the streets immediately next to and surrounding the Edward A. Thomas Building at 1200 Travis Street. No unmarked vehicle shall be parked in one of these areas
official marked police vehicles
Employees assigned to work at the Edward A. Thomas Building and who receive a parking citation within the ____, shall be responsible for the citation. Dismissal requests for such citations shall not be forwarded through the chain of command.
Police Headquarters Parking Zone
Officers assigned to other stations and who conduct official business at the Edward A. Thomas Building, shall park at
a metered space and follow the instructions outlined in this General Order. (200-05)
In an effort to prevent parking violations in the 1200 Travis Garage or surrounding the Edward A. Thomas Building, the following actions shall be taken against employees who violate the rules and regulations as set forth in this section and in applicable Security Operations Unit’s standard operating procedures:
a. First violation:
b. Second violation:
a. First violation. A notice shall be sent to the employee’s division commander to ensure
counseling is conducted.
b. Second violation. The employee’s parking privileges shall be revoked and the assistant chief in the employee’s chain of command shall be notified. The assistant chief shall determine if further action is warranted. Employees who violate parking regulations at 1200 Travis may be subject to discipline.
Parking curbside by ____ or____ is prohibited. Vehicles parked in any of these areas shall be subject to tow.
City Hall or the City Hall Annex
The ____ maintains control and regulation of all parking facilities including revenue generating lots and City employee parking lots for both Intercontinental (IAH) and Hobby Airports.
Houston Airport System
The Houston Police Department participates in the ____program, which eliminates the need for employees to use personal funds for airport parking while conducting official City business travel.
the City Official Business Parking (COBP)
Employees traveling on official City business shall indicate on their ____form if airport
parking is needed during their specified travel dates. Upon approval, a COBP access card or
hang tag parking permit shall be issued to the employee by his ____.
Appendix B
command office
COBP access cards allow employees access to any ____ and ____located at both IAH and Hobby Airports
ECOPARK facility and Airport Terminal Parking Garage
Employees shall swipe the COBP access card at any ECOPARK facility or Terminal Parking Garage entrance gate and park their vehicle in that area. Upon return from travel, employees shall again swipe the COBP access card to exit the parking facility. No ticket stub or receipt shall be collected. The transactions will be electronically recorded and billed to the department’s designated parking account. At the conclusion of the business travel, employees shall return the COBP access card to their command office along with the completed ____`
Appendix D form
____hang tag parking permits allow employees to enter and exit the designated Police Parking lots at IAH and Hobby Airports. Employees shall display the barcoded hang tag parking permit at all times during their stay in the Police Parking lot. No ticket stub or receipt shall be collected. The transactions shall be electronically recorded and billed to the department’s designated parking account. At the conclusion of the business travel, employees shall return the hang tag parking permit to their command office along with the completed____
Appendix D form
If issued a ____ hang tag parking permit, the employee shall contact the appropriate Airport
Division in advance and ascertain if adequate parking spaces will be available in the Police
Parking lot during the employee’s travel dates. If parking will not be available then the
employee shall be instructed to use a ____ access card.
Employees are not permitted to park their personal or City issued vehicle in the Police Parking lots of either IAH or Hobby Airports while…
on personal travel.
Employees who park their assigned take-home City vehicle with specialized equipment are
reminded to properly secure their equipment at a safe location, either at ____or____ , when possible.
at home or at their division
Employees who need to conduct City business at either airport and require less than 24 hours parking, shall call the airport (Hobby 713-845-6800 or IAH 281-230-6800) and receive authorization from…
the desk sergeant or higher ranking supervisor
(When conducting City business at either airport and require less than 24 hours parking,) The employee shall provide to the authorizing supervisor:
his name, employee number, cellular telephone number, division assigned to, reason for parking, and length of stay.
(Employees shall then be directed to an available parking space in the Police Parking lot at no charge. Parking is limited and for official on-duty use only.)
Employees shall not leave their personal vehicles parked in any of the department’s permit controlled parking lots for more than ____ unless otherwise authorized by their ____
16 consecutive hours
division commander
Employees shall obey all stop signs, restricted parking signs, etc. posted at any…
authorized HPD parking facility.
In the 1200 Travis Garage, uncontrolled pedestrian traffic is inherently dangerous. Therefore, only ____ shall be allowed to walk in the central area of the first floor breezeway. Other pedestrian traffic is strictly prohibited in the breezeway area extending from the vehicle entrance on Polk to the vehicle exit on Milam.
specifically authorized employees
Pedestrian traffic is allowed in the 1200 Travis Garage first floor breezeway only as follows:
a. In the breezeway area between the parking garage elevators and the employee entrance to the main building.
b. In the breezeway area next to the main building extending from the employee entrance to Dallas Street and Polk Street.
Lost or stolen hang tag parking permits shall be replaced as follows and according to guidelines outlined in General Order 400-18, Responsibility for City Property.
a. Blue or yellow City of Houston hang tag parking permits shall be replaced by…
b. Hang tag parking permits for the 1200 Travis Garage shall be replaced by…
c. c. Hang tag parking permits for the Central Police Complex shall be replaced by…
a. the City of Houston Administration and Regulatory Affairs Department, Park Houston Division.
b. the Security Operations Unit.
c. the Central Division
Except as otherwise noted in this General Order, an officer who receives a citation for a parking
meter violation while in the performance of officially assigned duties may request that it be
dismissed by completing all appropriate sections of a ____ and ____
dismissal pack and submitting the dismissal pack in a timely manner.
An officer who parked a vehicle in an unpaid metered space for more than four hours and received a citation may still request that the citation be dismissed if the officer was ____ engaged in the performance of officially assigned duties of office the entire time the vehicle was parked and the officer was not at his customary (regular assigned) office or job site.
In a ____, an officer’s letter shall explain the reason the citation should be dismissed. The officer shall print his full name and employee number on the back of the ____ along with ____
1) dismissal pack
2) citation
3) a brief reason for the dismissal request
The entire dismissal pack shall be sent through the chain of command to ____. For those divisions that do not have an ____ in their chain of command, the dismissal pack shall be sent to the officer’s ____
1) the officer’s assistant chief
2) assistant chief
3) executive assistant chief.
Upon approval (of a dismissal pack), the assistant chief or executive assistant chief, as applicable, shall forward both affidavits and the parking citation to the Municipal Courts Parking Adjudication Office within ____ days following the date on the citation. A hearing officer will review the request and determine whether the parking citation will be dismissed. The officer will be notified to appear at a hearing if necessary.
30 calendar
Any request to dismiss a parking citation not received within the ____-day time period shall be denied. If the dismissal is denied, the officer shall assume full responsibility for handling the parking citation.
If a Houston Police Department vehicle is towed because it was illegally parked, the below procedures shall be followed.
The employee responsible for the vehicle shall immediately notify his ____. If the ____ is unavailable, the employee shall notify ____. The employee shall provide the ____all available information regarding the vehicle description and the date, time, and location of the tow.
1) supervisor
2) supervisor
3) another supervisor in his division
4) supervisor
If a Houston Police Department vehicle is towed because it was illegally parked, the below procedures shall be followed.
The ____ shall contact the concerned storage lot to arrange for the release of the vehicle in accordance with the storage lot’s policies and procedures. The ____may contact the department’s ____if he has any questions.
1) employee’s supervisor
2) supervisor
3) Auto Dealers Detail
If a Houston Police Department vehicle is towed because it was illegally parked, the below procedures shall be followed.
The employee who parked the vehicle illegally may be responsible for…
any towing and storage fees.
If a Houston Police Department vehicle is towed because it was illegally parked, the below procedures shall be followed.
The ____ shall require the employee to submit ____to the Chief of Police through the chain of command. The employee’s ____shall thoroughly outline the reason for ____
1) concerned employee’s division commander
2) written correspondence
3) correspondence
4) parking illegally and the circumstances surrounding the tow and release of the vehicle.
If an employee’s personal vehicle is towed because of a parking violation, the employee shall
be subject to
the same penalties as any other citizen