200-08 Conduct and Authority Flashcards
Officers, regardless of rank or assignment, while in the state of Texas are required to take____, ____ and ____ police actin with respect to violations of the law coming to their attention. Officers shall adhere to this policy, whether they are on or off duty, unless ____
1) prompt, effective, and appropriate
2) doing so would compromise the safety of an employee or citizen
Employees are held accountable for the manner in which they exercise the ____ of their office or position
____ and ____ shall dictate the actions of all employees along with the boundaries of authority provided by federal, state, and local law, and the policies and procedures of the Houston Police Department.
Reasonableness and sound judgment
Certain provisions of this General Order may not be applicable in undercover police assignments specifically authorized by supervisors in accordance with divisional standard operating procedures. However, in determining such applicability, officers shall be strictly accountable for justifying ____
their actions
(Violations of this policy may result in discipline up to and including indefinite suspension.)
Employees shall exhibit professional conduct at all times and shall not engage in any activity,
including unlawful activity, that would…
degrade or bring disrespect to the employee or the department.
Employees shall not communicate in any manner, directly or indirectly, any information that…
may delay an arrest or enable persons guilty of criminal acts to escape arrest or punishment,
dispose of property or goods obtained illegally, or destroy evidence of unlawful activity.
Employees shall not join, participate with, or frequent any organization that…
advocates, incites, or supports criminal acts or criminal conspiracies.
Employees shall not knowingly commence or maintain a relationship with or associate with…
convicted criminals or any person who is under criminal investigation, indictment, arrest, or
incarceration by any criminal justice agency, excluding traffic or municipal ordinance violations.
Employees shall avoid regular or continuous association with any person possessing a…
notorious reputation in the community
Exceptions to the above restrictions (people employees shall avoid) are limited to…
employees performing their official duties or unavoidable family relationships.
Employees shall respect the rights of individuals and shall not engage in…
discrimination, oppression, or favoritism whether by language, act, or act of omission.
Employees shall maintain a civil and impartial attitude towards both…
complainants and violators
Employees shall be courteous, civil, and respectful to all department employees and citizens,
and shall not use…
threatening or insulting language
Employees shall not engage in any form of speech likely to be construed as…
a racial or religious slur or joke
When neither law nor policy provides clear guidance regarding a particular situation, employees shall…
exercise discretion in choosing the appropriate action
Employees shall make decisions based on ____ and ____
sound judgment and the principles set forth in policies and procedures of the department
Discretion shall be exercised in such a manner that employees can reasonably assume that upon review their conduct shall be judged…
sound and reasonable by their supervisors
Employee conduct shall always be consistent with…
the department’s mission, values, ethics, guiding principles, and any instructions given by the employee’s supervisors.
Employees are expected to exercise sound judgment at all times. Employees’ behavior shall be
limited to conduct that is reasonable and prudent. No employee shall commit any act on or off
duty in an official or private capacity that…
may bring reproach, discredit, or embarrassment to the department.
If an employee has a personal interest, direct or indirect, financial or otherwise, in any decision
pending before such employee or a body or group of which the employee is a member, the
employee shall ____.
If such employee is in attendance at such meeting, he or she shall ____
1) not participate in the consideration of the matter
2) publicly disclose a conflict of interest to the body or group prior to any determination of the matter.
An employee shall not negotiate for or accept future employment or extra employment with any ____that has a substantial interest in any proposed ordinance or decision within such person’s area of responsibility and upon which the employee ____
1) person, firm, association, or corporation
2) may or shall act or make a recommendation
Employees shall not perform any action that may disrupt the performance of ____ of employees of the department or that tends to interfere with or subvert the reasonable supervision or proper discipline of ____
1) official duties or obligations
2) employees of the department
Employees shall ____ with cases assigned to others. Employees shall ____ with the work or operations of any unit in the department or the work or operations of ____.
1) not interfere
2) not interfere
3) other government agencies
Employees against whom a complaint has been made shall not…
attempt, directly or indirectly, by threat, appeal, persuasion, or payment of money or other consideration to secure the abandonment or withdrawal of the complaint, charges, or allegations.
When directed by a ____ to make a statement or furnish materials relevant to a department investigation, employees shall comply with the directive.
competent authority
All department personnel shall cooperate fully with any authorized persons conducting audits of…
department operations or activities
Employees shall neither publicly nor at internal official meetings criticize or ridicule the department or…
any of its policies, City officials, or other employees by speech, writing, or other expression that is defamatory, obscene, or unlawful, or that undermines the effectiveness of the department, interferes with the maintenance of discipline, or is made with reckless disregard for truth or falsity.
Employees acting as an agent of or representing the department in any way shall not ____. Employees shall not seek personal publicity either directly or indirectly in the course of their employment.
give testimonials or permit their names or photographs to be used for commercial advertising purposes
A uniformed officer shall neither acknowledge nor show recognition of another police officer in
civilian clothes unless…
that officer first addresses the uniformed officer
In order to maintain a unified and productive working environment and in keeping with the spirit of state Civil Service Law, the ____ is prohibited.
surreptitious audio or video recording of employees by other employees
(This section does not apply when the recording is done pursuant to the Texas Local Government Code or when conducted as part of a criminal investigation.
Employees shall not make false, untrue, or misleading statements (verbal or written, made directly by or authorized by the employee). Any ____ shall be considered a false statement. A violation of this policy may result in discipline up to and including indefinite suspension.
statement or omission of pertinent information that intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly misrepresents facts or misleads others
Employees shall know the laws and ordinances they are charged with enforcing and all ____.
Each day while on duty and immediately upon returning from an absence, employees shall ____
1) department orders, directives, duties, and procedures governing their specific assignments
2) study and become familiar with the contents of recently issued communications and directives.
Employees shall abide by the laws of the jurisdiction in which they are located. Employees shall
also abide by the laws and rules of…
the various governmental entities that have jurisdiction over affairs in which the employees are engaged (e.g., Civil Service Commission and Texas Commission on Law Enforcement).
Employees shall be attentive to their duties at all times. Employees shall perform all duties assigned to them. Officers while on duty shall not ____. Employees shall keep themselves immediately and readily available at all times while on duty. Sleeping on duty is prohibited.
conceal themselves except for a police purpose.
Employees shall cooperate, support, and assist each other whenever necessary. Employees shall not devote any of their on-duty time to any activity that is not directly related to their duties, unless…
approved by a supervisor
Employees shall promptly report for duty properly prepared at the time and place required by assignments, subpoena, or orders. Employees shall remain at their posts or place of assignment until…
properly relieved by another employee or until officially dismissed by a supervisor.
Employees shall maintain ____ on police matters such as calls for service, arrests, and investigations.
written notes
The information contained in these notes shall be sufficient to the extent that it
will assist with…
the completion of official reports and will allow for the employee to accurately
testify in official proceedings.
Employees shall retain these written notes (field notes) and make
them available to…
the prosecutor upon request
Investigators shall include the written notes or notes taken during the course of an investigation in ____ so they can be ____
1) the appropriate investigative file
2) retrieved by the investigative division or the prosecution
Unless otherwise directed, employees are responsible for ensuring that ____ before going off duty. This requirement applies to each officer if riding a two-man unit.
all reports are properly entered and uploaded in the department’s records management system
Employees shall immediately report all ____, all ____ and any ____. Employees shall immediately report all ____ to other persons that resulted from the performance of their duties
1) on-duty traffic crashes in which they are involved
2) personal injuries received in the line of duty
3) and any illness or personal injury not received in
the line of duty but that is likely to interfere with the performance of their official duties
4) property damage or injuries
All employees shall have a working personal telephone and shall register their correct residence address and telephone number with the department. Any change in address or telephone number shall be immediately reported and a supervisor shall…
update changes using the Personal Data Adjuster program.
All officers are required to carry ____ while on duty. All weapons carried by officers in the performance of their official duties shall be registered with the department. Required registration information shall be kept current. See also General Order 400-05, Firearms Qualification and Control.
an approved primary weapon
Classified employees while off duty and not wearing an approved department official classified uniform shall not ____ regardless of whether the employee has obtained a License to Carry a Handgun.
openly carry a handgun in public
Employees having contact with the public shall promptly serve the public by ____, and shall not interfere with the lawful business of any person.
Employees shall not use their official positions to intimidate persons engaged in a ____
1) providing direction, counsel, and/or assistance
2) civil controversy.
Employees shall attempt to respond to each inquiry or request for assistance personally and shall not…
refer any citizen to another department, division, or person when the employee has the capability to assist that citizen.
Officers shall give their names, badge numbers, and other pertinent information to any person requesting such facts unless…
doing so would jeopardize the successful completion of a police assignment.
Employees shall respond to the call of citizens or other employees in need of assistance. All employees shall perform their official duties promptly and thoroughly and shall…
respond without delay to calls for police service.
Employees shall promptly report all…
Employees shall not…
1) crimes, violations, emergencies, incidents, dangers, hazardous situations, or police information that come to their attention
2) conceal, ignore, or distort the facts of such crimes, violations, emergencies, incidents, situations, or information
Officers shall know the location and boundaries of their assigned____. Employees shall also be familiar with ____
1) districts and beats
2) the names and general locations of city streets and highways and the names and locations of hospitals and major public buildings
In determining the appropriate police action to take, off-duty officers shall consider the totality of the situation. Off-duty officers shall consider…
the offense involved, the operational and tactical difficulties that being off duty presents, and any other factors observed by the off-duty officer.
Off-duty officers who do not intervene in a situation shall in their best efforts try…
to be a good witness, unless exigent circumstances exist
If off-duty officers dressed in plainclothes see a criminal act in progress and intervene, officers shall…
At the moment of intervention, any action taken by the officer shall be governed as
1) identify themselves as a Houston Police Department officer and communicate their intent to stop the criminal act.
2) if the officer is on duty
When off-duty officers are outside the limits of their jurisdiction, but within the state of Texas, they shall…
assist any law enforcement officer who appears to be in need of immediate assistance by providing any action necessary to stop criminal activity or to stop a suspect trying to escape during a crime against a person.
When officers are outside the state of Texas, they do not have…
police authority or status, and therefore have only the rights and obligations of a private citizen of that state
Each employee shall be under the direct control of ___supervisor at a time
Employees are responsible for knowing their chain of command and shall operate within that chain of command. Employees initiating official correspondence to any supervisor shall forward such correspondence through…
the appropriate chain of command
Employees receiving correspondence from subordinates or supervisors shall…
sign and date the communication to indicate it was received, attach any appropriate comments, and forward the communication to the next level in the employee’s chain of command.
(Correspondence shall be forwarded to the addressee.)
If an issue is resolved to the satisfaction of the author prior to reaching the addressee, the facts shall be documented in official correspondence and forwarded to the addressee. If the issue cannot be resolved, each employee in the chain of command shall…
attach correspondence explaining what, if any, action was taken at their level, and why the issue was not resolved.
Written communication shall be returned to the author if it does not conform to the department’s…
correspondence guidelines or other applicable policy
Employees shall obtain ____approval to use official City or department stationery to communicate with others outside the department.
their division commander’s
Employees shall obtain their division commander’s approval before communicating with others outside the department if the communication could be construed to…
represent the official position or policy of the Police Department.
Employees shall obtain the ____ before engaging in department related communication with elected officials, unless the communication is part of the employee’s assigned duties.
Chief of Police’s approval
Employees shall promptly and respectfully obey all lawful orders and directions given by…
supervisors, Internal Affairs investigators, or dispatchers. Failure to obey an order is
(Employees shall not flout the authority of a supervisor by displaying disrespect or disputing a supervisor’s orders)
Employees receiving an order that they believe is unjust or contrary to department policy or that appears to conflict with a previous order, shall…
If the supervisor does not change the order, employees shall obey the order to the best of their ability. Employees may then…
1) respectfully notify the supervisor that a conflict exists
2) appeal the order up through their chain of command to the Chief of Police if necessary.
(Orders shall be countermanded only when necessary for the safe and lawful completion of the police mission.)
No employee shall obey an order to contrary to law. Employees receiving such orders shall notify the supervisor issuing the order that compliance with the order as issued is ____.
Supervisors shall____
Employees receiving an unlawful order shall____
1) unlawful
2) contact their immediate supervisor and request that person’s presence at the scene.
3) report the incident in writing to the Chief of Police through their chain of command.
Supervisors shall actively enforce the law and…
the policies and procedures of the Houston Police Department.
Supervisors shall not permit or otherwise fail to prevent…
violations of the law or the regulations, policies, or procedures of the Houston Police Department by any employee.
Supervisors who fail to take appropriate action when they are aware or should have been
aware an employee was in violation of the law or department policy shall…
be held accountable
Supervisors shall report violations of law or department policy…
as required by General Order 200-03, Investigation of Employee Misconduct.
Supervisors shall make appropriate scheduling and assignment decisions that reflect…
an understanding of the staffing needs of their division and their subordinates’ performance capabilities.
Supervisors shall keep thorough documentation of…
their subordinates’ performance and their unit or squad’s performance.
No supervisor shall issue an order that…
violates the law or department policy
While on duty, supervisors shall be…
readily available to their subordinates and supervisors
Supervisors shall not express personal opinions regarding department policy or other
employees of the department while…
they are on duty or acting in their official capacity in the presence of subordinate employees.
Supervisors who delegate tasks to subordinate employees are…
ultimately accountable for ensuring the tasks are completed