20 Somatosensory & Motor Systems Flashcards
I, Slide 10: What is another name for the somatotopic map?
II, Slide 6: What is the cell membrane of a striated muscle fiber cell called?
III, Slide 2: Which tract belongs to the lateral pathway? A. Tectospinal TractB. Vestibulospinal TractC. Medullary Reticulospinal TractD. Rubrospinal Tract
D. Rubrospinal Tract
III, Slide 2: What are the 2 pathways of the descending spinal tract? (Pick 2)A. Lateral Pathway B. Contralateral PathwayC. Ventromedial PathwayD. Ventrolateral Pathway
A. Lateral Pathway C. Ventromedial Pathway
III, Slide 2: True/False - The ventromedial pathway consists of 4 tracts and the lateral pathway consists of only 1 tract.
False - lateral pathway consists of 2 tracts
III, Slide 3: True/False - Mammals have both corticospinal and rubrospinal tracts.
III, Slide 5: True/False – The reticulospinal tract mediates autonomic functions and inhibits voluntary movement.
I, slide 14: T/F - We have two responses from pain: (1) quick, sharp pain from slow C fibers and (2) dull, sustained pain from fast, myelinated alpha delta axons.
False: quick pain from fast, myelinated alpha delta axons & dull pain from slow C fibers
II, slide 10: Alpha motor neurons are influenced by: A. proprioception from muscles spindles B. gamma motor neuron C. golgi tendon organs D. spinal interneurons E. all of the above
E. All of the above
III, slide 10: The motor symptoms of Parkinson’s disease result from death of this doapamine-generating component of the basal ganglia. A. substantia nigra B. globus pallidus C. caudate D. putamen
A. Substantia Nigra
III, slide 9: T/F - The basal ganglia are important for timing sequence of motor movement.
III, slide 7 & 8: T/F - Movement in the cortex and superior colliculus is controlled by local coding.
False - Population Coding
III, slide 9: The substania nigra is the source of which modulatory neurotransmitter? A. glutamate B. glycine C. acetylcholine D. dopamine
D. Dopamine
III, slide 12: Many learned behaviors have been mapped back to which brain structure? A. motor cortex B. thalamus C. cerebellum D. brainstem
C. Cerebellum
T/F - Somatotopic mapping does not change according to experience
T/F - The skin of the spinal cord is called Dermatome, and it function is to supply the spinal nerves…
T/F - Referring to somatotopic mapping, the size is proportional with the density of sensory input..
How many spinal nerves are located in the Thoracic region? 1. 12 2. 143. 15 4. 0
T/F- Primary afferent axons conduct at different speeds
According to receptive field size and adaptation, which options match with Pacinian corpuscle? 1. Large and Slow 2. Large and Fast 3. Small and Slow 4. Small and Fast
- Large & Fast
How well does this type of mechanoreceptor adapt: Meissners corpuscle? 1. Slow 2. Fast 3. Can’t Adapt
- Fast
T/F - Sensory receptors adapt slowly only.
What is the second inner layer of the skin called?1. Epidermis 2. Dermis 3. Hypodermis 4. Connective tissue
- Dermis
T/F - Mechanoreceptors are not sensitive to physical distortion.
Where do signals for the Decending Spinal Tract start?
Motor Cortex
If the muscle is flexing how is the tension measured?
Through the Golgi Tendon Organ
What do muscle spindles do?
They monitor the length of the muscle and pass on the information to the nervous system.
What happens to muscle progenitor cells with age?
They stop renewing halting muscle fiber generation and growth.
How does Ca2+ cause muscle contraction?
It alters troponin on actin so the myosin head can grab on.
Muscle contractions are all or nothing or graded?
Lower motor circuits go through dorsal or ventral root of the spinal cord?
How do thermoreceptos work?
By altering firing frequency ; rapid firing is “on”
Where do ascending pain pathways end at?
Primary somatosensory cortex
Ascending pain pathways go through dorsal or ventral root of the spinal cord?