Who used Feudalism?
Europe and Japan.
Why did Europe use Feudalism?
For protection during the dark ages.
What were the crusades?
Battles between Christians and Muslims over holy land.
How did the crusades affect Europe?
Brought Europe out of their dark ages and reconnected them with the rest of the world.
Bubonic plagues impact on population was?
It declined population by 1/3
Where did the Bubonic plague start?
Europe and spread to italy.
What was the ranking for feudalism in Japan?
How were people ranked using feudalism in Europe?
What is papal Supremacy?
Absolute power of the pope. God-pope-king
In Europe, who was gods representative?
The pope
What is magna carta?
When Nobles and all citizens have rights, and King John is forced to follow laws.
What does magna carta go against?
Break/split of Christianity
The Great Schism.
What do catholics start to use/turn to?
Eastern Orthodox Churches.
Who was the war between in the 100 year war?
England and France over he english channel.
What was the 100 year wars affect towards Feudalism?
Miliatary conflifct between england and france over england and france.( helped bring feudalism to an aend)
Who was Christopher Columbus?
Rich italian.
What was christiphor columbus’ theory? How did it affect the americas?
Theory: To get indonesia he could sail around to world to get there faster and make more money.
On these voyages he accidentaly discovered the americas.
What was the Renaissance?
A time period for Europe that brought them out of the dark ages that brought out creativity and intelligence.
Which two areas affected The Renaissance?
Greece and Rome; Brought old ideas to be reproduced and reused.
What were the 2 launch factors of the renaissance?
- Wealthy class who invested in arts
- Italy benefited from trade routes of Asia and Africa.
What ideas or things were created during the Renaissance?
Printing press, humanism.
-Italian merchants renaissance impact-
Rich people would invest in merhcants art which was a factor to renaissances success
What is humanism?
It removes the idea of a supernatural being or god and focuses on Reason, Science, and math. Benefits all beings.
Who is Martin Luther?
Benedictine Monk who tried to earn his way to heaven by,
whipping himself
Taking a trip to rome
What are indulgences?
Sins or wrongs
What was the catholic churches biggest money maker?
What is the Protestant reformation?
The affects of the 95 thesis upon catholic church
Who is Johann Gutenburg?
He invented the printing press.
What are some factors that ended feudalism?
Bubonic plague, feudalism, crusades, and the 100 year war.
During the dark ages, what did the catholic church not allow?
Science, because its ideas didnt fit with the catholic church’s teachings.
What was the social structure in japan?
Who was Zheng He?
Commander of a chinese naval fleet that explored as far as africa.
Why did Zheng He cancel his voyages?
- They didnt return with profit
- They were so far ahead they didnt see a purpose in interacting with them.
- Chinese were afraid of influence from other cultures affecting their society.
What is the status for women?
The mother is powerful, mens wife and mother ran finances.
no remarry
What would they do to women that they thought was visually pleasing?
Foot binding.
Issues women faced in china?
Independence issues.
Who were the mongols?
Ruthless empire lead by Genghis Khan and soon after Kublai Khan
What was the impact mongols left on the world?
1 China to resort to isolationism, closing themselves off from the world.
2. Stabalized china and improved trade.
Who was Marco Polo?
An italian Merchant
Marco polos impact on Europe and china.
He wrote a book about how great china was and so some of europe came to china?
Who used the Encomienda system?
Spanish conquistadors who became lords of new world.
Forced labor on indigenous people is called what?
The encomienda system.
Trade/exchange between old and new world is called what?
The columbian exchange.
What was tradefrom americas to europe?
SUgar, tobacco, raw material
What was traded from Europe to Africa?
Guns, cloth goods
Middle passage or what was traded from africa to americas?
What is the Triangle trade network?
Three legged trade bwtween Europe, africa, and americas
Why did americas need slaves
Because they were killing themselves in america and dying fast
Who is Tamerlane?
Leader of mongols.
Who did Tamerlane conquer?
The Dehli in India.
What culture did Tamerlane convert to?
Who was Kublai Khan?
Genghis Khan’s grandson. Ruler of mongols
Who did Kublai Khan conquer?
The Song dynasty
Who was Genghis Khan?
Mongols ruler.
Ruler of Mughal Empire?
Who took over Mughal Empire in India?
British east india company and French.
How did british and french take over Mughals?
They set up forts and built armies on the coast and paid sepoys to gain control. Invaded india and divided it in half.
Who took over the whole mughal empire in the end?
Who was Cortez?
Spanish commander.
What were some factors to spanish conquering aztecs?
Ghengis khan unites what?
Where does Genghis Khan take over?
India and china.
What were the motivating factors of the spanish conquistadors?
God Glory and Gold