2. Religion Flashcards
What was religion like in the multiple Kingdoms under Charles I? What were the issues? What different groups were there and where did they stem from?
What did Catholics believe and want?
They wanted the Bible and Services in Latin, a highly decorated Church, Priests in special positions and as an intermediary between God and the people. The Pope is the head of the Church, Priests cannot marry, the Church can forgive sins and Transubstantiation occurs.
What did Protestants believe and want?
The Bible in English, Bishops/Cardinals are not necessary, Priests are not special and shouldn’t wear vestments, the Monarch is the head of the Church. Sins can only be forgiven by God, Churches should be simple, statues are idolatry, communion is only representative.
What religion was Elizabeth I?
She was a moderate Protestant who aimed for a ‘middle way’.
When did different branches of Protestantism develop?
When the reformation began in Germany in 1517, different types of Protestantism grew and developed.
Where did Calvinism come from?
A branch of extreme Protestantism created by John Calvin from Geneva who preached predestination.
What did Calvinists believe?
Total depravity (human nature is thoroughly corrupt and sinful as a result of the Fall), Predestination (God selects those who will receive salvation before birth and it is futile to attempt to alter your fate), Limited atonement (Christ died for the sins of the elect alone, and no atonement was provided for the reprobate).
What did Arminians believe?
Partial depravity (If you lived a good, pious life then you will receive salvation), Conditional election (God chooses for eternal salvation those whom he foresees will have faith in Christ).
Who were the extreme Catholics?
What did Charles do that showed his support for Laudianism and angered Protestants?
Montagu (an Arminian) published ‘A new gag for an old Goose’ which attacked Calvinist Doctrine, Charles then took him under his protection and promoted his to his royal Chaplain when Parliament called for his impeachment in 1625.
What did Charles 1 do that indicated he liked Catholicism?
Married Henrietta Maria, a French Catholic, he welcomed Catholics into his Court and adopted Arminian policies.
Why did Charles 1’s marriage to Henrietta worry English Protestants?
They worried that Charles’ heir would be Catholic, therefore making England a Catholic nation again.
What events made Protestants fearful?
Bloody Mary burnt nearly 300 protestants in the 1550s, the Spanish Inquisition tortured protestants for heresy in the 1550s, the St. Bartholomew’s Day massacre in 1572, the Catholic plots to assassinate Elizabeth I, the Duke of Alba’s massacre of Dutch protestants in the 1560s and the 1605 Gunpowder Plot.
What is a confessional state and was England one?
A state which officially recognises and practises a particular religion. England was in 1625 with the Anglican beliefs of the C of E set out in a Book of Common Prayer. By 1688 it was no longer as toleration was granted to other Christian groups.
What was the religious status of the other Kingdoms ruled by Charles?
England had a richer, more protestant South and a poorer, more Catholic North. Scotland was more puritanical than England, Wales was protestant, Ireland was prone to uprisings as James I had tried to impose a Protestant ruling class on a Catholic majority.
What did Buckingham do in 1626 which Charles supported?
He announced his belief in Arminianism at the York House Conference in 1626.