19 Flashcards
Scarf down
Hızlıca yemek
get someone’s goat
to upset or irritate someone.
“The way she’s always correcting other people really gets my goat!”
To be hooked
To be addicted to sth
Bağımlısı olmak
Beyond me
= completely missing or surpassing my understanding.
“I’m confused. All this is beyond me.”
a person or thing that has a depressing or dispiriting effect.
“if you think bad weather at the zoo sounds like a buzzkill, you’re right”
highly experienced, practiced, or skilled; very knowledgeable; learned:
“He is a well-versed scholar on the subject of biblical literature.”
wind up
“£1.1bn in fees, 3.1m hours, 14 years: the UK cost of winding up Lehman Brothers”
make a clock or other device operate by turning a handle or key.
“he wound up the clock every Saturday night”
- BRİTİSH - arrange the affairs of and dissolve a company.
“the company has since been wound up”
extremely impressive.
“the most stupendous views”