02 Flashcards
Keep your eyes peeled
Gözlerini dört aç
well said
Ağzına sağlık, iyi dedin
I call the shots
Burada benim borum öter, patron benim
No hard feelings
Darılmaca yok
Cool beans
No biggie!
Sorun değil
What’s with you?
Derdin ne senin?
Hush your mouth!
Kapa çeneni!
Leave it to me
O işi bana bırak
come down with
“When you were young, you came down with scarlet fever.”
Hastalık geçirmek, hastalanmak
Come up with
“Where do you come up with this shit”
Bulmak (fikir vb)
Çözüm yolu bulmak
(Plan, tartışma vb) ortaya atmak
Crack up
Gülmekten öldürmek,
Çok güldürmek
Fundalık, çalılık
You set me up
Beni tongaya düşürdün
Beni oyuna getirdin
Don’t be daft
Aptal olma
Mind your manners
Terbiyeni takın
Uslu dur
You have a point
Don’t temp me
Beni kışkırtma
Little pithers have big ears
Çocuktan al haberi ????
Prov.Children like to listen to adult conversations and can understand a lot of what they hear. (Used to warn another adult not to talk about something because there is a child present.)
“I started to tell Mary about the date I had on Saturday, but she interrupted me, saying, “Little pitchers have big ears,” and looked pointedly at her six-year-old daughter, who was in the room with us.”
Don’t let it get to you
Kafana takma
Rumor has it
Söylentiye göre
It’s not my place to say
Bunu söylemek bana düşmez
It’s a catch 22
Bu çıkmaz bir durum. İkilem
You just don’t get it!
What’s that got to do with me?
Benimle ne ilgisi var?
Yok artık, aman tanrım, hadi be
There is no shame in it
Bunda utanacak bir şey yok
Holey moley
Vay canına