15 Flashcards
Says who?
Kim demiş?
I’ll say
Waste not want not
Sakla samanı gelir zamanı
Give me a break
used to express exasperation, protest, or disbelief.
“give me a break—I just deliver the stuff”
No time like the present
Gün bugündür
used to suggest that something should be done now rather than later.
“‘When do you want me to leave?’ ‘There’s no time like the present.’”
I took a shine to you
Sana içim ısındı
I’m cool with that (it)
Bana uyar
Benim için hava hoş
Show up
Appear, arrive
be conspicuous or clearly visible.
“this liquid shows up on the x-ray”
arrive or turn up for an appointment or gathering.
“two days later, we showed up at her house”
Get a grip
Control yourself
keep or recover one’s self-control.
“get a grip, guys!”
Hold your horses
Kendini dizginle biraz
Ağır ol
= used totellsomeone tostopandconsidercarefullytheirdecisionoropinionabout something:
Justholdyourhorses,Bill! Let’sthinkabout this for amoment.
back then
O zamanlar
Back in the day
Bir zamanlar
Play hard to get
Naz yapma
Dağınık, baştan savma, derbeder
= untidy especially in personal appearance
= Careless, untidy, inefficient
b:lazily slipshod
//slovenly in thought
= damage (someone’s reputation).
“he had besmirched the good name of his family”
to saybadthings about someone toinfluenceother people’sopinionof them:
Hisaccusationswerefalse, but theyservedto besmirch herreputation.
Hold on
Hold up
= to delay someone or something:
Traffic was heldup for several hours by the accident.
You droped a brick
Pot kırdın, gaf yaptın
Wig out
(slang) = To act in a very excited or overly emotional way
Have a knack for something
Bir şeye karşı yeteneğinin olması
“The musician has an incredible knack for improvisation”
coup de grâce
a final blow or shot given to kill a wounded person or animal.
“he administered the coup de grâce with a knife”
= an action or event that serves as the culmination of a bad or deteriorating situation.
“Howarth delivered the coup de grâce with a penalty two minutes from time”
Come to your senses
Aklını başına topla
Pull yourself together
Topla kendini
informal.to regain one’s self-control or composure.
Neck and neck
Başa baş, kafa kafaya