06 Flashcards
When it comes to…
Söz konusu olduğunda, denilince
When it rains it pours
Aksilikler hep üst üste gelir
What’s that supposed to mean?
Bu da ne demek oluyor?
It’s about time
Hele şükür!
A blessing in disguise
Her işte bir hayır vardır
Mum’s the word
Aramızda kalsın
Penny for your thoughts
Ağzını bıçak açmıyor
bring up
“There is something I want to bring up”
= to start discussing something
“Let’s bring this up at our next team meeting”
get across
You are attempting to communicate a mesage
When you want to help someone understand something
“Am I getting the message across clearly”
“I’m trying get my point across, but tom keeps butt in”
Let on
“Don’t let on that you know the new. I haven’t mentioned it to Jess yet.”
Belli etmek
{k} (deyim) sırrı başkasına soylemek
Jump in
“Do you mind if I jump in here?”
(informal) to interrupt
butt in
interrupt without asking (konuşmaya nezaketsizce dalıvermek), maydanoz olmak, burnunu sokmak
dry up
söyleyecek sözü kalmamak
sözünü unutarak duraksamak
(deyim) [kd] susmak,cenesini tutmak
get through to
“I’m trying get through but there is no answer”
“I’m trying to get the message through to Paul but he’s not listening”
Ulaşmak, ulaştırmak
talk (so.) over
We need to talk over what happened this mornning
= To discuss a problem or a plan
Talk smn arround
İkna etmek
“Putin believed that the Ukrainian government was a pushover”
(Argo) çok kolay iş
çocuk oyuncağı
kolaylıkla aldatılabilen kimse
a person who is easy to overcome or influence.
“Colonel Moore was benevolent but no pushover”
Same here
I agree
I feel you
I understand
No worries
That’s alright
in 1768, Laurence Sterne, author of Tristram Shandy, died in London after a long battle with consumption.
“Ardipithecus also had smaller canine teeth than do modern chimpanzees, and male and female ca- nine teeth were equal in size, which suggests that there was less male-male combat and perhaps closer male- female relations than among earlier hominids.”
{s} (Anatomi) köpekdişine ait.
i., (Zooloji) köpekgillerden bir hayvan
{s} yalaka (Argo)
{s} köpek
“Teğmen Dan Anderson olay yerine bir köpek ekibi gönderdi. - Lieutenant Dan Anderson sent a canine team to the crime scene.”
Bring it on!
Elinden geleni ardına koyma
Hope for the best
The Coast is clear
Asayiş berkemal
not least
“In the 1850s, while antislavery conviction grew in the free states, pro-slavery fervor grew in the slave states, not least because the price of slaves was on the rise, from an average of $900 in 1850 to $1,600 ten years later.”
Jill Lepore
= As or more notably compared to other elements; especially or in particular.
“They’re going to delay the movie’s launch, not least due to the controversy surrounding the lead actor.”
“I decided to take the job for several reasons, not least of which is the short commute.”
nothing so much as
“in the South, widely reported “slave stampede” that was nothing so much as legions of people emancipating themselves.19”
These Truths by Jill Lepore
—used for emphasis
“It looks like nothing so much as a big stick.”
Bank on
I wouldn’t bank on it
Ummak, güvenmek,
Bel bağlamak
= Tobesureofsomething.Todependonit
“I’m banking on you being there. I don’t have your expertise.”
= (intr, preposition) to expect or rely with confidence on:
“you can bank on him always arriving on time.”
brush up on
bilgiyi tazelemek
“Paris’e çalışmaya gitmeden önce Fransızcamı tazelemeliyim.-Before going to work in Paris, I must brush up on my French.”
Confound it!