09 Flashcards
Tread lightly
Ayağını denk al
stick around
We all have psychological tendencies and habits that affect our behaviour and shape our thinking. They tend to stick around, haunting our minds until we have the awareness
To remain; linger.
He wiped his lips, using the napkin with indig nation, and looking at me.
No can do
Hayatta olmaz
Let’s talk turkey
Sadede gelelim
Why bother
Ne gerek var?
“So exactly when should we try to ferret out an unstated premise?”
Critical Thinking
\: to find and bring to light by searching —usually used with out //ferret out the answers
Rip somebody off
Scoot over
Kenara kay
Give me some sugar
Ver bakalım bir öpücük
Thanks for nothing!
Sağ ol ya!
It’s a steal
Sudan ucuz
To err is human
Hatasız kul olmaz
All bets are off
Her şey mümkün
Didn’t see that coming
Bunu beklemiyordum
Stay out of my hair
Beni rahat bırak
Keel over
Fenalaşıp düşmek, bayılmak
Clever clogs
for Simon Armitage, “he’s a clever clogs, but he’s one of us at the same time”
G. Dyer
someone who is very clever, usually in a way that is slightly annoying:
“It’s amazing what these clever clogs have come up with.”
“Well, clever clogs, if you have all the answers, where shall we go tonight?”
That makes two of us
Al benden de o kadar
Come rain or shine
Şartlar ne olursa olsun
Plain as day
Gün gibi ortada
Save it
Kapa çeneni
Nefesini boşa harcama
Fine with/by with me
Bana uyar
Thanks but no thanks
Sağol ama kalsın
What goes around comes around
Ne ekersen onu biçersin
Eden bulur
Got to hand it to you
Hakkını teslim etmeliyim
Early bird gets the worm
Erken kalkan yol alır
Back to the drawing board
Sil baştan
It’s catch-22
Kısır döngü
:a problematic situation for which the only solution is denied by a circumstance inherent in the problem or by a rule
“The show-businesscatch-22—no work unless you have an agent, no agent unless you’ve worked— Mary Murphy
also:the circumstance or rule that denies a solution
2a: an illogical, unreasonable, or senseless situation
b: a measure or policy whose effect is the opposite of what was intended
c: a situation presenting two equally undesirable alternatives
Anyway you cut/slice it
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