1.8 genomics Flashcards
Genomics definition
The study of the genome
Genomic sequencing definition
The process of determining the base order of genes and genomes of different organisms and species
Uses of genomic sequencing
Comparisons of genomes of different species
Personalised medicine
Bioinformatics definition
The use of computers in genomic sequencing, to store, compare, display and analyse different genomes.
Use of bioinformatics
To rapidly identify highly conserved genes across species.
Highly conserved genes
Genes that are present in many different species.
Phylogenetics definition
The study of evolutionary history and relationships
What is required for Phylogenetics
DNA sequence data
Fossilised evidence
How does Phylogenetics work
It uses DNA sequence data and fossilised evidence to estimate when lineages diverge.
Three domains of life
Phylogenetic tree
A diagram which shows when species diverged away from each other.
The further apart the species the less related they are.
Molecular clock
A graphic diagram which assumes that mutations occur at a constant rate and is used to estimate when different lineages diverged.
Reasons molecular clocks are inaccurate
It is assumed that mutations occur at a constant rate, despite mutations randomly and spontaneously occurring.
Order of evolutionary history
Last common ancestor
Photosynthetic organisms
Multicellular organisms
Land plants
Personal genomics
Where an individuals genome can be analysed to predict the likelihood of developing diseases.
The use of genome information in order to choose the correct medicine or drugs.
Personalised medicine
Where an individuals genome information is used to prescribe correct drug dosage and drug type.
Examples of genomics and bioinformatics in the real world
Can be used to research disease causing organism
Can be used to research pests
Can be used for model organisms and medical research