17: Musculo-neuro-vascular systems of the anterior and posterior compartments of the leg and popliteal fossa Flashcards
Where is the popliteal fossa?
Back of the knee
Boundaries of the popliteal fossa
Biceps femoirs (LH)
Gastrocnemius (medial + lateral heads)
Floor of the popliteal fossa
Popliteal surface of femur
Oblique popliteal ligament
Popliteus and popliteal fascia
Roof of the popliteal fossa
Skin + fasciae lata
Contents of the popliteal fossa
Small saphenous vein
Tibial nerve
Common fibula (peroneal) nerve
Popliteal artery
Popliteal vein
Fat + lymphatic tissue
What are leg muscles and bones covered by?
Crural fascia
Where is crural fascia attached
Patellar ligament
Tibial tuberosity
Tibial condyles
Head of fibula
Anteriorly crural fascia blends with…
periosteum covering shin
The leg is divided into 3 compartments by…
anterior intramuscular septa
posterior intramuscular septa
interosseous membrane
Muscles of anterior compartment of leg
Tibialis anterior
Extensor digitorum longus
Extensor digitorum brevis
Fibularis tertius
Anterior compartment of leg is innervated by…
Deep fibular
What are the extensor retinacula of the anterior compartment
thickened bands of crural fascia
Inferior extensor retinaculum is… shaped
Origin of tibialis anterior (3)
lateral tibial condyle
antero-supero-lateral surface of tibia
interosseus membrane
Insertion of tibialis anterior
medial and inferior surface of medial cuneiform
base of 1st metatarsal
Innervation of tibialis anterior
Deep fibular nerve
Actions of tibialis anterior
dorsiflexes ankle
inverts foot
Origin of extensor digitorum longus
lateral tibial condyle
superior anterior fibula and adjacent interosseus membrane
Insertion of extensor digitorum longus
4 slips which insert into middle and distal phalanges
Innervation of extensor digitorum longus
Deep fibular nerve
Actions of extensor digitorum longus
extends digits 2-5
dorsiflexes ankle
What are extensor expansions
triangular shaped expansions over MTP joints
What inserts into extensor expansions
extensor digitorum longus
foot lumbricals
foot interossei
Origin of extensor digitorum longus
middle 1/2 of anterior fibula
adjacent interosseus membrane
Insertion of extensor hallucis longus
dorsal aspect of base of distal phalanx of digit 1
Innervation of extensor digitorum longus
deep fibular nerve
Actions of extensor digitorum longus
extends digit 1
dorsiflexes ankle
Origin of fibularis tertius
Inferior 1/3 of anterior fibula and adjacent interosseus membrane