16: SAB, Ectopics, Rh Isoimmunization Flashcards
what % of women will have vaginal bleeding during early pregnancy (implantation bleeding)
abnormal rise in hCG less than 53% in 48 hrs means what?
abnormal IUP or ectopic
biochemical pregnancy
presence of hCG 7-10 days after ovulation but menstruation still occurs as expected
at 8 weeks gestation, what is seen on US that gives the risk of fetal loss only 2%
live appropriately growing fetus + cardiac activity
fetus lost beore 20 weeks gestation
___% of SABs occur during first trimestr
MC cause of first trimester SABs
chromosome abnormalities
severe fetal anemia in Rh isoimmu: definition and how to manage
- Hct < 30%
2. manage w intrauterine transfusion between 18-35 weeks with fresh group O negative packed RBCs
ideal time to deliver an ifant with isoimmunization
35 weeks
Timing for 1st 2nd and 3rd trimester
First is till 13+6, second is till 27+6, third is 28+